

c++ Programming Glossary: tuple_size

Convert std::tuple to std::array C++11


typename Tuple constexpr typename build_indices std tuple_size Bare Tuple value type make_indices return template typename.. std array typename std tuple_element 0 Bare Tuple type std tuple_size Bare Tuple value to_array Tuple tuple indices Indices... using..

C++11: I can go from multiple args to tuple, but can I go from tuple to multiple args? [duplicate]


std decay Tuple type ttype detail call_impl F Tuple 0 std tuple_size ttype value std tuple_size ttype value call f std forward Tuple.. detail call_impl F Tuple 0 std tuple_size ttype value std tuple_size ttype value call f std forward Tuple t Example #include cstdio..

template metaprogramming: (trait for?) dissecting a specified template into types T<T2,T3 N,T4, …>


const T a std array typename T value_type 10 std tuple_size T value return std array typename T value_type 10 std tuple_size.. T value return std array typename T value_type 10 std tuple_size T value This works fine but what I'm after is to make the explicit.. use of 'std array' automatic. For std array there's the tuple_size trait which helps and a similar thing can be used to find the..

iterate over tuple


the following but that doesn't work for int i 0 i std tuple_size T... value i std get i my_tuple .do_sth Error 1 sorry unimplemented..

How do I replace a tuple element at compile time?


N typename T typename Indices typename make_indices std tuple_size Tuple value type struct element_replace template typename.....

questions regarding the design of std::initializer_list


giving the size of initializer_list like specializing std tuple_size Why it's not possible to statically access its elements like..

C++ macro/metaprogram to determine number of members at compile time


overloads etc static std size_t nun_members return std tuple_size data value private std tuple int long long foo data A solution..

Generic hash for tuples in unordered_map / unordered_set


const std tuple types... t const size_t begin std tuple_size std tuple types... value 1 return hash_impl begin types... 1..