

c++ Programming Glossary: tv

Combing an External Event Loop with Qt's


. To add it to the main loop I would probably replace the tv interval for the select function in lines 106 through 117 with.. for the select function in lines 106 through 117 with tv.tv_sec 0 tv.tv_usec 10000 run processEvents every 0.01 seconds.. for the select function in lines 106 through 117 with tv.tv_sec 0 tv.tv_usec 10000 run processEvents every 0.01 seconds..

Capturing a time in milliseconds


calls specific to your OS. In Linux you can use timeval tv gettimeofday tv 0 then convert struct tv to your needed ms precision.. to your OS. In Linux you can use timeval tv gettimeofday tv 0 then convert struct tv to your needed ms precision timeval.. can use timeval tv gettimeofday tv 0 then convert struct tv to your needed ms precision timeval has microsecond precision...

How to Calculate Execution Time of a Code Snippet in C++


10^ 3 intervals return ret #else Linux struct timeval tv gettimeofday tv NULL uint64 ret tv.tv_usec Convert from micro.. return ret #else Linux struct timeval tv gettimeofday tv NULL uint64 ret tv.tv_usec Convert from micro seconds 10^ 6.. Linux struct timeval tv gettimeofday tv NULL uint64 ret tv.tv_usec Convert from micro seconds 10^ 6 to milliseconds 10^..

Calling a java method from c++ in Android


savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main TextView tv TextView findViewById R.id.textview tv.setText this.getJniString.. R.layout.main TextView tv TextView findViewById R.id.textview tv.setText this.getJniString public void messageMe String.. TextView tv TextView findViewById R.id.textview tv.setText this.getJniString public void messageMe String text..

Porting clock_gettime to windows


CLOCK_REALTIME stop_time double dSeconds stop_time.tv_sec start_time.tv_sec double dNanoSeconds double stop_time.tv_nsec.. stop_time double dSeconds stop_time.tv_sec start_time.tv_sec double dNanoSeconds double stop_time.tv_nsec start_time.tv_nsec.. start_time.tv_sec double dNanoSeconds double stop_time.tv_nsec start_time.tv_nsec BILLION return dSeconds dNanoSeconds..

c++ how to use select to see if a socket has closed


int sock fd_set rfd FD_ZERO rfd FD_SET sock rfd timeval tv 0 select sock 1 rfd 0 0 tv if FD_ISSET sock rfd return false.. rfd FD_SET sock rfd timeval tv 0 select sock 1 rfd 0 0 tv if FD_ISSET sock rfd return false int n 0 ioctl sock FIONREAD..

Sleep less than one millisecond


pretty straightforward int usleep long usec struct timeval tv tv.tv_sec usec 1000000L tv.tv_usec usec 1000000L return select.. straightforward int usleep long usec struct timeval tv tv.tv_sec usec 1000000L tv.tv_usec usec 1000000L return select.. straightforward int usleep long usec struct timeval tv tv.tv_sec usec 1000000L tv.tv_usec usec 1000000L return select 0 0..

timespec equivalent for windows


first time called static struct timeval t0 struct timeval tv gettimeofday tv 0 if t0.tv_sec t0 tv return tv.tv_sec t0.tv_sec.. static struct timeval t0 struct timeval tv gettimeofday tv 0 if t0.tv_sec t0 tv return tv.tv_sec t0.tv_sec tv.tv_usec t0.tv_usec.. timeval t0 struct timeval tv gettimeofday tv 0 if t0.tv_sec t0 tv return tv.tv_sec t0.tv_sec tv.tv_usec t0.tv_usec 1000000...