

c++ Programming Glossary: type..

Find position of element in C++11 range-based for loop?


How does boost bind work behind the scenes in general?


to return at this point so the line is more like return l_ type... . The one parameter version is here template class A1 result_type..

Why is the use of typedef in this template necessary?


it can compile the code without explicit allocator type... Definitely looks like MS compiler not as smart as it should..

How do I replace a tuple element at compile time?


Ns... typedef std tuple typename std conditional Ns N T Ts type... type and then use it like this using a_t std tuple std string..

A way of achieving lazy evaluation in C++


which are evaluated strictly and are of known machine type... not to mention other typical functional programming language..

Specifying one type for all arguments passed to variadic function or variadic template function w/out using array, vector, structs, etc?


void typename enable_if is_convertible Args ToType value type... type f Args... For your use case if you know the steps to go..

I think I may have come up with an example of rvalue of array type


return a int main f .a I think this is an rvalue of array type... I see two options here Option1 I am correct hurray yay cool...

Is it possible to “store” a template parameter pack without expanding it?


T struct convert_in_tuple typedef std tuple typename T type... type typedef convert_in_tuple identities int float type int_float_tuple..

C++ - statement cannot resolve address for overloaded function


f ambiguous g unambiguous ft function template of unknown type... But you can resolve the ambiguity by some type hints void takes_f_int..

Vector constructor with two parameters is parsed as a function declaration


request for member 'begin' in 'vec' which is of non class type... I can get around the error like this std istream_iterator std..

How to create the Cartesian product of a type list?


struct cross_product typedef type_list typename row T T... type... type int main int s typedef cross_product int float short type.. typedef typename expand type_list typename row T T... type... type type int main int s typedef cross_product int float short..