

c++ Programming Glossary: wm_keyup

C++ Win32 keyboard events


hook_proc hwnd 0 ... wParam one of the WM_KEYDOWN WM_KEYUP WM_SYSKEYDOWN or WM_SYSKEYUP lParam pointer to a KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT.. wParam PostMessage mainwnd WM_MCR_ACCUM kbd vkCode 0 if WM_KEYUP wParam switch kbd vkCode case VK_ESCAPE mmode false keys.removeall.. vkCode VK_LCONTROL ctrl_cnt 0 Ctrl released if ctrl_cnt 1 WM_KEYUP wParam if kbd time time 40 mmode true PostMessage mainwnd WM_MCR_SHOW..

How to send keystrokes to a window?


t 377393 there's also WM_SYSCOMMAND WM_KEYDOWN WM_KEYUP WM_CHAR events for SendMessage which you might be interested..

Keyboard Input & the Win32 message loop


from googling has lead me to confusion over WM_CHAR or WM_KEYUP and WM_KEYDOWN and is normally targeted at PDA or Managed code.. WM_KEYDOWN OnKeyDown msg.wParam else msg.message WM_KEYUP OnKeyUp msg.wParam else TranslateMessage msg DispatchMessage.. than a char. That's because the values for WM_KEYDOWN and WM_KEYUP aren't limited to values that fit in a char. See WM_KEYDOWN..

Aero Snap not working for my application


cRepeat 1 ScanCode 5B fRepeat 1 fUp 0 00060 000F0F12 P WM_KEYUP nVirtKey VK_LEFT cRepeat 1 ScanCode 4B fRepeat 0 fUp 1 I'm going..

Create an On-screen Keyboard


_window WM_KEYDOWN vk.key 0x1 PostMessage _window WM_KEYUP vk.key 0xC0010001 AttachThreadInput _attachedThredId _attachedProcessId.. handle input differently. And simple WM_KEYDOWN WM_KEYUP messages are not the only way to detect keyboard input. For..

Why is D3D10SDKLayers.dll loaded during my DX11 game?


code 0x13 PAUSE key... break case WM_KEYDOWN break case WM_KEYUP if p vkCode VK_MENU p vkCode VK_LMENU p vkCode VK_RMENU MyClassVar.SetAltPressed.. your windows message procedure using WM_SYSKEYDOWN and WM_KEYUP . I hope this helps others I had a hell of a time getting this..

Using SendMessage to enter text into an edit control belonging to another process


... PostMessage edit WM_CHAR ... PostMessage edit WM_KEYUP ... Spy will reveal what the other parameters are don't worry...