

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:03:30

iphone Programming Glossary: adjusting

Audio on the iPhone


sample app. I found OpenAL to be ideally suited to games or even a musical instrument samples could be pre loaded adjusting the frequency was easy and looping was no problem. The deal breaker for me was that starting and stopping a looped sample..

How to properly design multi-orientation iPad application


subclass. Try really hard to do that. Setting autoresizesSubviews YES on your XIB's root view and properly adjusting the child views' autoresizingMask to flex with changes in screen size orientation can go a long way. But that won't always.. flex with changes in screen size orientation can go a long way. But that won't always be enough. If your layout needs adjusting in landscape orientation beyond what autoresizing can handle I use two main options. Which one you should choose depends..

Adjusting the positions of the labels in a UITableViewCell


Z-ordering of MKAnnotationViews


superview sendSubviewToBack annView Running through the annotation views passed to mapView didAddAnnotationViews and adjusting their z order does seem to fix #1. The problem is that now the callout views are no longer always on top to the annotation..

How can I change the animation style of a modal UIViewController?


NO UIView commitAnimations There are transitions for flipping and page curling. If you are set on fading can try adjusting your new view's alpha UIViewController controller MyViewController alloc init autorelease controller.view.alpha 0.0 navController..

iPhone: How to Display Underlined Text in a Button?


view. At present I am not able to show the button text underlined. I thought of placing a label above the button and adjusting the label property to get the underlined text but that did not work. Is there a different way to get the appearance and..

Redrawing UIScrollView contents after every zoom


CGSize size self.bounds.size Figure out where the scroll view was centered so that we can fix up its offset after adjusting the scaling CGPoint contentCenter self.contentOffset contentCenter.x size.width oldZoomScale scale 2 contentCenter.y size.height..

How to resize a tableHeaderView of a UITableView?


this question FYI I've gotten this to work by modifying the tableHeaderView and re setting it. In this case i'm adjusting the size of the tableHeaderView when the UIWebView subview has finished loading. webView sizeToFit CGRect newFrame headerView.frame..

Is there a way of adjusting the screen brightness programmatically?


there a way of adjusting the screen brightness programmatically I have an iPhone app for photographic purposes kind of a lightbox . This app needs..

Height and width on iPhone (/iPad)


be the case with games and other OpenGL ES “based applications ”you are responsible for rotating the drawing surface or adjusting your drawing commands as needed to present your content in landscape mode. In terms of your test application the key part..

Slight zoom on MKCoordinateRegion?


small zoom increase is there some form of snapping on the zoom Really small values work as do really big ones but just adjusting the region size by a few percent does not seem to work with the view nearly always jumping zooming in to far and clipping..

How to apply “filters” to AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer


and display of these video frames. You won't be able to do much with an AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer directly aside from adjusting its opacity when overlaid with another view or layer. I have a sample application here where I grab frames from the camera..

Fix font size issue on Mobile Safari (iPhone) where text is rendered inconsistently and some fonts are larger than others?


and Opera Mobile also won't need to change your layout . Finally if you really need to prevent Mobile Safari from adjusting your font sizes you can set webkit text size adjust 100 but do this only as a last resort since it is likely to cause mobile..

How can I improve the performance of my custom OpenGL ES 2.0 depth texture generation?


than squares despite removing many unnecessary fragments and letting you block covered fragments more efficiently. By adjusting the triangle drawing as follows I was able to reduce overall rendering time by an average of 14 on top of the above described..

How to detect that animation has ended on UITableView beginUpdates/endUpdates?


deleteRowsAtIndexPaths wrapped in beginUpdates endUpdates . I am also using beginUpdates endUpdates when adjusting rowHeight. All these operations are animated by default. How can I detect that animation has ended when using beginUpdates..

program access to iPhone volume buttons


now is to have an AVAudioPlayer prepared to play but not playing player prepareToPlay . This seems to take care of adjusting the app's volume according to the rocker buttons. There's no other published way currently to handle this. PLEASE READ THE..

Loading a view controller & view hierarchy programatically in Cocoa Touch without xib


controller and load its view hierarchy programatically not from a nib xib what are the steps to setting that up or adjusting a template. I though all I had to do was implement loadView but I have trouble every time I try to do this. iphone cocoa..

Converting a UIImage black'n white and not grayscale for using tesseract


value. The adaptive thresholding does a thresholding operation based on a 9 pixel region around the current pixel adjusting for local lighting conditions. This is specifically designed to help with OCR applications so it might be the way to go..

Adjusting the positions of the labels in a UITableViewCell


the positions of the labels in a UITableViewCell I'm using a UITableViewCell with UITableViewCellStyleSubtitle. However..

Adjusting the line to fit our head in imageview


the line to fit our head in imageview I am developing one application same as HairTryOn all things are done. but problem..

Adjusting the volume of a playing AVPlayer


the volume of a playing AVPlayer The only method for getting a volume change on currently playing AVPlayer items is to..

Adjusting navigationItem.titleView's frame?


navigationItem.titleView's frame I noticed that the titleView's position depends on the rightbarbutton title. How can I..

UINavigationController within ViewController, gap at top of view


20 point gap margin above the navigation controller. I've tried adjusting the frame at runtime with no perfect result. Adjusting the origin.y of the frame to 20 and increasing the height by 20 brings the view flush with the top of it's parent but it..