

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:03:31

iphone Programming Glossary: aes256decryptwithkey

iOS 5: Data encryption AES-256 EncryptWithKey: not found


NSData Encryption.h NSData Encryption.h @interface NSData Encryption NSData AES256EncryptWithKey NSString key NSData AES256DecryptWithKey NSString key @end NSData Encryption.m #import NSData Encryption.h #import CommonCrypto CommonCryptor.h @implementation NSData.. return NSData dataWithBytesNoCopy buffer length numBytesEncrypted free buffer free the buffer return nil NSData AES256DecryptWithKey NSString key 'key' should be 32 bytes for AES256 will be null padded otherwise char keyPtr kCCKeySizeAES256 1 room for terminator..

Iphone Encryption on UIImage - kCCBufferTooSmall error on AES 256 encryption


data length d encryptedData length ........ later.. decryption decryptedImage UIImage imageWithData encryptedData AES256DecryptWithKey KEY imageView.image decryptedImage What is happening For a small image say image with resolution 48 48 this code is working..

AES Encryption for an NSString on the iPhone


NSData cipher plain AES256EncryptWithKey key printf s n cipher description UTF8String plain cipher AES256DecryptWithKey key printf s n plain description UTF8String printf s n NSString alloc initWithData plain encoding NSUTF8StringEncoding UTF8String.. key NSString decryptData NSData ciphertext withKey NSString key return NSString alloc initWithData ciphertext AES256DecryptWithKey key encoding NSUTF8StringEncoding autorelease This definitely works on Snow Leopard and @Boz reports that CommonCrypto..

Encryption App approval from Apple


code just copied and pasted it from the web and included it in my app. NSData AES256EncryptWithKey NSString key NSData AES256DecryptWithKey NSString key Now for the million dollar question. What kind of approval process do I need to go through in order to get..