

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:04:25

iphone Programming Glossary: avcaptureconnection

Using AVCaptureSession and AVAudioPlayer together


NSString fileRoot docDir stringByAppendingPathComponent filePath NSURL fileURL NSURL fileURLWithPath fileRoot AVCaptureConnection videoConnection NULL for AVCaptureConnection connection in m_captureFileOutput connections for AVCaptureInputPort port.. filePath NSURL fileURL NSURL fileURLWithPath fileRoot AVCaptureConnection videoConnection NULL for AVCaptureConnection connection in m_captureFileOutput connections for AVCaptureInputPort port in connection inputPorts if port mediaType isEqual..

Upload live streaming video from iPhone like Ustream or Qik


void captureOutput AVCaptureOutput captureOutput didOutputSampleBuffer CMSampleBufferRef sampleBuffer fromConnection AVCaptureConnection connection CVImageBufferRef imageBuffer CMSampleBufferGetImageBuffer sampleBuffer CGSize imageSize CVImageBufferGetEncodedSize..

how to convert a CVImageBufferRef to UIImage


void captureOutput AVCaptureOutput captureOutput didOutputSampleBuffer CMSampleBufferRef sampleBuffer fromConnection AVCaptureConnection connection CVImageBufferRef imageBuffer CMSampleBufferGetImageBuffer sampleBuffer Lock the image buffer CVPixelBufferLockBaseAddress..

iPhone AVFoundation camera orientation


WWDC presentation and I've downloaded the WWDC sample program but even that doesn't do it. The code from my app is... AVCaptureConnection videoConnection CameraVC connectionWithMediaType AVMediaTypeVideo fromConnections imageCaptureOutput connections if videoConnection.. image processImage uses the same writeImage... method as the WWDC code and the code from the WWDC app is... AVCaptureConnection videoConnection AVCamDemoCaptureManager connectionWithMediaType AVMediaTypeVideo fromConnections self stillImageOutput connections.. but I've done it The bit of code I was looking for is... UIDevice currentDevice .orientation This goes in as so... AVCaptureConnection videoConnection CameraVC connectionWithMediaType AVMediaTypeVideo fromConnections imageCaptureOutput connections if videoConnection..

iPhone SDK 4 AVFoundation - How to use captureStillImageAsynchronouslyFromConnection correctly?


deadlocked in the beta after calling stopRunning session.running was still YES . You might be able to disable the AVCaptureConnection it's supposed to work . I remember this deadlocking they may have fixed this. I ended up just capturing video frames. The..

Video Recording using AVFoundation Framework iPhone?


self performSelector @selector startRecording withObject nil afterDelay 1.0 session startRunning void startRecording AVCaptureConnection videoConnection playVideo connectionWithMediaType AVMediaTypeVideo fromConnections self movieFileOutput connections if videoConnection.. if fileManager fileExistsAtPath outputPath NSLog @ file saved outputPath release return outputURL autorelease AVCaptureConnection connectionWithMediaType NSString mediaType fromConnections NSArray connections for AVCaptureConnection connection in connections.. autorelease AVCaptureConnection connectionWithMediaType NSString mediaType fromConnections NSArray connections for AVCaptureConnection connection in connections for AVCaptureInputPort port in connection inputPorts if port mediaType isEqual mediaType return..

Simultaneous AVCaptureVideoDataOutput and AVCaptureMovieFileOutput


void captureOutput AVCaptureOutput captureOutput didOutputSampleBuffer CMSampleBufferRef sampleBuffer fromConnection AVCaptureConnection connection do stuff with sampleBuffer I should add i am getting the error Error Domain NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code 12780..

This code to write video+audio through AVAssetWriter and AVAssetWriterInputs is not working. Why?


void captureOutput AVCaptureOutput captureOutput didOutputSampleBuffer CMSampleBufferRef sampleBuffer fromConnection AVCaptureConnection connection if CMSampleBufferDataIsReady sampleBuffer NSLog @ sample buffer is not ready. Skipping sample return if _isRecording..

Can use AVCaptureVideoDataOutput and AVCaptureMovieFileOutput at the same time?


void captureOutput AVCaptureOutput captureOutput didOutputSampleBuffer CMSampleBufferRef sampleBuffer fromConnection AVCaptureConnection connection CVImageBufferRef imageBuffer CMSampleBufferGetImageBuffer sampleBuffer a very dense way to keep track of the..

Uploading live streaming video from iPhone [duplicate]


void captureOutput AVCaptureOutput captureOutput didOutputSampleBuffer CMSampleBufferRef sampleBuffer fromConnection AVCaptureConnection connection CVImageBufferRef imageBuffer CMSampleBufferGetImageBuffer sampleBuffer CGSize imageSize CVImageBufferGetEncodedSize..

AVAssetWritter does not work with audio


void captureOutput AVCaptureOutput captureOutput didOutputSampleBuffer CMSampleBufferRef sampleBuffer fromConnection AVCaptureConnection conenction if normal_delegate recording CMSampleBufferSetOutputPresentationTimeStamp sampleBuffer CMTimeMakeWithSeconds..

iOS CVImageBuffer distorted from AVCaptureSessionDataOutput with AVCaptureSessionPresetPhoto


void captureOutput AVCaptureOutput captureOutput didOutputSampleBuffer CMSampleBufferRef sampleBuffer fromConnection AVCaptureConnection connection CVImageBufferRef pixelBuffer CMSampleBufferGetImageBuffer sampleBuffer self.delegate processNewCameraFrame pixelBuffer..

Having trouble creating UIImage from CIImage in iOS5


void captureOutput AVCaptureOutput captureOutput didOutputSampleBuffer CMSampleBufferRef sampleBuffer fromConnection AVCaptureConnection connection CVPixelBufferRef pb CMSampleBufferGetImageBuffer sampleBuffer CIImage ciImage CIImage imageWithCVPixelBuffer..

AVCaptureSession specify resolution and quality of captured images obj-c iphone app


void captureOutput AVCaptureOutput captureOutput didOutputSampleBuffer CMSampleBufferRef sampleBuffer fromConnection AVCaptureConnection connection NSLog @ captureOutput didOutputSampleBufferFromConnection Create a UIImage from the sample buffer data self.currentImage..

How can I mute the capture sound in AVFoundation?


void captureOutput AVCaptureOutput captureOutput didOutputSampleBuffer CMSampleBufferRef sampleBuffer fromConnection AVCaptureConnection connection We create an autorelease pool because as we are not in the main_queue our code is not executed in the main thread...