

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:04:27

iphone Programming Glossary: avfiletypequicktimemovie

Merge Two Video files in iPhone Application


fileExistsAtPath filePath exportSession.outputURL NSURL fileURLWithPath filePath exportSession.outputFileType AVFileTypeQuickTimeMovie CMTimeRange range if i 0 CMTime start CMTimeMakeWithSeconds 0.0 600 CMTime duration CMTimeMakeWithSeconds 10.0 600 range.. NSError error nil AVAssetWriter videoWriter AVAssetWriter alloc initWithURL NSURL fileURLWithPath path fileType AVFileTypeQuickTimeMovie error error NSParameterAssert videoWriter NSDictionary videoSettings NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys AVVideoCodecH264..

How can I add overlay text on a video, then re-encode it?


VideoName NSFileManager defaultManager removeItemAtPath VideoName error nil assetExport.outputFileType AVFileTypeQuickTimeMovie assetExport.outputURL exportUrl assetExport.shouldOptimizeForNetworkUse YES strRecordedFilename setString exportPath assetExport..

Creating 16:9 Video Rather than 4:3 - AVAsset Writer - iPhone


AVAssetWriter videoWriter AVAssetWriter alloc initWithURL NSURL fileURLWithPath betaCompressionDirectory fileType AVFileTypeQuickTimeMovie error error NSParameterAssert videoWriter if error NSLog @ error @ error localizedDescription NSDictionary videoSettings..

How do I export UIImage array as a movie?


NSError error nil AVAssetWriter videoWriter AVAssetWriter alloc initWithURL NSURL fileURLWithPath somePath fileType AVFileTypeQuickTimeMovie error error NSParameterAssert videoWriter NSDictionary videoSettings NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys AVVideoCodecH264..

ASSETWriterInput for making Video from UIImages on Iphone Issues


NSError error nil AVAssetWriter videoWriter AVAssetWriter alloc initWithURL NSURL fileURLWithPath path fileType AVFileTypeQuickTimeMovie error error NSParameterAssert videoWriter NSDictionary videoSettings NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys AVVideoCodecH264..

This code to write video+audio through AVAssetWriter and AVAssetWriterInputs is not working. Why?


to it BOOL setupWriter NSError error nil _videoWriter AVAssetWriter alloc initWithURL videoURL fileType AVFileTypeQuickTimeMovie error error NSParameterAssert _videoWriter Add video input NSDictionary videoCompressionProps NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys..

CoreAnimation, AVFoundation and ability to make Video export


stringByAppendingPathComponent @ Output.mov session.outputURL NSURL fileURLWithPath filePath session.outputFileType AVFileTypeQuickTimeMovie session exportAsynchronouslyWithCompletionHandler ^ dispatch_async dispatch_get_main_queue ^ NSLog @ Export Finished @ session.error..

AVFoundation + AssetWriter: Generate Movie With Images and Audio


NSError error nil AVAssetWriter videoWriter AVAssetWriter alloc initWithURL NSURL fileURLWithPath path fileType AVFileTypeQuickTimeMovie error error NSParameterAssert videoWriter NSDictionary videoSettings NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys AVVideoCodecH264.. AVAssetExportPresetMediumQuality assetExport.videoComposition mutableVideoComposition assetExport.outputFileType AVFileTypeQuickTimeMovie @ com.apple.quicktime movie assetExport.outputURL NSURL fileURLWithPath outFilePath assetExport exportAsynchronouslyWithCompletionHandler..

iPhone:Programmatically compressing recorded video to share?


exportSession setOutputURL NSURL URLWithString videoURL exportSession setOutputFileType AVFileTypeQuickTimeMovie exportSession exportAsynchronouslyWithCompletionHandler ^ switch exportSession status case AVAssetExportSessionStatusFailed.. asset presetName AVAssetExportPresetLowQuality exportSession.outputURL outputURL exportSession.outputFileType AVFileTypeQuickTimeMovie exportSession exportAsynchronouslyWithCompletionHandler ^ void handler exportSession exportSession release void imagePickerController..

AVAssetWriter Woes


320.0 imageSize NSError error nil videoWriter AVAssetWriter alloc initWithURL NSURL fileURLWithPath path fileType AVFileTypeQuickTimeMovie error error if error nil return NO NSDictionary videoCleanApertureSettings NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys..

Video Encoding using AVAssetWriter - CRASHES


NSLog @ Write Started NSError error nil AVAssetWriter videoWriter AVAssetWriter alloc initWithURL fullPath fileType AVFileTypeQuickTimeMovie error error NSParameterAssert videoWriter AVAsset avAsset AVURLAsset alloc initWithURL path options nil autorelease NSDictionary..

MOV to Mp4 video conversion iPhone Programmatically


release If I set AVFileTypeMPEG4 here then it crashes saying Invalid file type . So I have to set it to AVFileTypeQuickTimeMovie and it gives MOV file. Is it possible in iOS to convert video from MOV to Mp4 through AVAssetExportSession...OR without..

AVCaptureSession only got video buffer


UTF8String videoWriter AVAssetWriter alloc initWithURL NSURL fileURLWithPath betaCompressionDirectory fileType AVFileTypeQuickTimeMovie error error if error NSLog @ error @ error localizedDescription add input videoWriter addInput videoWriterInput videoWriter..