

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:04:30

iphone Programming Glossary: backingheight

Draw to offscreen renderbuffer in OpenGL ES (iPhone)


the code this is in the initialization section glRenderbufferStorageOES GL_RENDERBUFFER_OES GL_RGB8_OES backingWidth backingHeight and this is when I'm trying to draw to it and display it glBindFramebufferOES GL_FRAMEBUFFER_OES offscreenFramebuffer GLfloat..

OpenGL ES (iPhone) Touch Picking


THERE MUST BE AN EASIER WAY Here is some code void handleTouch CGPoint point GLfloat width backingWidth GLfloat height backingHeight GLfloat x point.x GLfloat y point.y GLfloat z 0.0f viewport normalized dev coord clip GLfloat n 2 x width 1 2 y height 2.. width 1 2 y height 2 z 1 1 float fov 45.0f M_PI 180.0f float near 0.01 far 10.0f float aspect float backingWidth float backingHeight float top tan fov near float bottom top float left aspect bottom float right aspect top I'm a viewing volume symmetric projection..

Why is this OpenGL ES code slow on iPhone?


0.0f 100.0f 100.0f 100.0f const GLshort spriteTexcoords 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 void setupView glViewport 0 0 backingWidth backingHeight glMatrixMode GL_PROJECTION glLoadIdentity glOrthof 0.0f backingWidth backingHeight 0.0f 10.0f 10.0f glMatrixMode GL_MODELVIEW.. glViewport 0 0 backingWidth backingHeight glMatrixMode GL_PROJECTION glLoadIdentity glOrthof 0.0f backingWidth backingHeight 0.0f 10.0f 10.0f glMatrixMode GL_MODELVIEW glClearColor 0.3f 0.0f 0.0f 1.0f glVertexPointer 2 GL_FLOAT 0 spriteVertices..

openGL ES retina support


GL_RENDERBUFFER_WIDTH_OES backingWidth glGetRenderbufferParameterivOES GL_RENDERBUFFER_OES GL_RENDERBUFFER_HEIGHT_OES backingHeight you should see that the width and height of the renderbuffer on a Retina display are twice the values they are on a standard.. the following code if _vertical glTranslatef 0. _backingWidth 0. glScalef 1. 1. 1. bds CGRectMake 0. 0. _backingWidth _backingHeight else glTranslatef 0. _backingHeight 0. glRotatef 90. 0. 0. 1. bds CGRectMake 0. 0. _backingHeight _backingWidth This will.. 0. _backingWidth 0. glScalef 1. 1. 1. bds CGRectMake 0. 0. _backingWidth _backingHeight else glTranslatef 0. _backingHeight 0. glRotatef 90. 0. 0. 1. bds CGRectMake 0. 0. _backingHeight _backingWidth This will cause everything to work in the appropriate..

Use of VAO around VBO in Open ES iPhone app Causes EXC_BAD_ACCESS When Call to glDrawElements


glClearColor 0 104.0 255.0 55.0 255.0 1.0 glClear GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT glViewport 0 0 backingWidth backingHeight directProgram use glBindVertexArrayOES directArrayObject glDisable GL_DEPTH_TEST glActiveTexture GL_TEXTURE0 glBindTexture..

iPhone take augmented reality screenshot with AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer


snapshot GLView eaglview NSInteger x 0 NSInteger y 0 NSInteger width eaglview backingWidth NSInteger height eaglview backingHeight NSInteger dataLength width height 4 NSUInteger i for i 0 i 100 i glFlush CFRunLoopRunInMode kCFRunLoopDefaultMode float..