

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:08:09

iphone Programming Glossary: en.wikipedia.org

CGAffineTransformInvert: singular matrix in UIImagePickerController with showsCameraControls = NO


matrices with a determinant of zero similar to dividing by zero . Such a matrix is not invertible or 'singular' http en.wikipedia.org wiki Rotation_matrix http en.wikipedia.org wiki Determinant http en.wikipedia.org wiki Singular_matrix#singular share improve..

Create QR code in iphone


code share improve this question QR codes are pretty limited in terms of data storage limited to a few kb see http en.wikipedia.org wiki QR_code#Storage for storage sizes. As such you won't be able to put an image in there. What you CAN do however is upload..

Rich Text Format RTF codec for iPhone


tutorial to create e-book read application - epub file formate [duplicate]


knows how to create such applications please let me know. thanks in advance Here are some links regarding e pub http en.wikipedia.org wiki EPUB http code.google.com p epub tools iphone objective c ipad epub share improve this question There is a full..

How would I implement undo in an OpenGL ES painting application on the iPhone?


OpenGL ES - How to Draw a filled Polygon?


useful links will edit Links Polygon Triangulation http www.vterrain.org Implementation Libs triangulate.html http en.wikipedia.org wiki Polygon_triangulation WIKI http www.flipcode.com archives Efficient_Polygon_Triangulation.shtml polygon WITHOUT holes..

Is there a way to make a phone number clickable on an iphone or android phone to make a call in HTML?


Is there a library for iPhone to work with HMAC-SHA-1 encoding


For all operation with Amazon services S3 EC2 SimpleDB You need to sign all resquest with HMAC SHA 1 Signature http en.wikipedia.org wiki HMAC http docs.amazonwebservices.com AWSFWS latest DeveloperGuide index.html SummaryOfAuthentication.html . I'm working..

Is there any library in objective-c or c that will do OCR? [duplicate]


How to draw a color wheel in objective-c


CGColorSpaceRelease colorSpace CGImageRelease imageRef return image Adapted from Apple sample code. See http en.wikipedia.org wiki HSV_color_space#Comparison_of_HSL_and_HSV void HSL2RGB float h float s float l float outR float outG float outB float..

Can you reference Xib files from static libraries on the iPhone?


canonical way to randomize an NSArray in Objective C


ret do ret random m while ret n return ret @implementation NSMutableArray ArchUtils_Shuffle void shuffle http en.wikipedia.org wiki Knuth_shuffle for NSUInteger i self count i 1 i NSUInteger j random_below i self exchangeObjectAtIndex i 1 withObjectAtIndex..

Detect different device platforms using CSS


Detect Xoom browser Android http www.w3.org TR css3 mediaqueries http www.w3schools.com html5 att_link_media.asp http en.wikipedia.org wiki List_of_Android_devices http en.wikipedia.org wiki File Vector_Video_Standards2.svg I would like to have my page use.. mediaqueries http www.w3schools.com html5 att_link_media.asp http en.wikipedia.org wiki List_of_Android_devices http en.wikipedia.org wiki File Vector_Video_Standards2.svg I would like to have my page use different CSS files depending on the device being..

Filling a portion of an image with color


UIColor objects is nuts. Way way too much overhead. Work with a pixelbuffer instead. Learn how to use pointers. http en.wikipedia.org wiki Flood_fill#The_algorithm provides a good overview of a few simple techniques for performing a flood fill using either..

Get fileSize of info.plist to prevent piracy


from finding references to SignerIdentity in your code by applying ROT13 or a similar simple obscuring algorithm http en.wikipedia.org wiki ROT13 After applying ROT13 SignerIdentity would become FvtareVqragvgl . Anyway the answer to your question how you..