

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:08:14

iphone Programming Glossary: endignoringinteractionevents

iPhone - designing my own viewController transition


DISPATCH_TIME_NOW int64_t transition.duration NSEC_PER_SEC dispatch_get_main_queue ^ UIApplication sharedApplication endIgnoringInteractionEvents self presentViewController viewController animated NO completion NULL CATransaction commit void dismissViewControllerWithPushDirection.. DISPATCH_TIME_NOW int64_t transition.duration NSEC_PER_SEC dispatch_get_main_queue ^ UIApplication sharedApplication endIgnoringInteractionEvents self dismissViewControllerAnimated NO completion NULL CATransaction commit @end and this is a sample call self presentViewController..

Live Video Stream iphone


notification NSLog @ end Playing self.navigationItem.hidesBackButton FALSE UIApplication sharedApplication endIgnoringInteractionEvents actview stopAnimating NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter removeObserver self name MPMoviePlayerScalingModeDidChangeNotification..

Fading out an UIButton when touched


1 UIView setAnimationDelegate UIApplication sharedApplication UIView setAnimationDidStopSelector @selector endIgnoringInteractionEvents btn.alpha 1 UIView commitAnimations Note I also added the begin endIgnoringInteractionEvents calls so the user can't tap.. @selector endIgnoringInteractionEvents btn.alpha 1 UIView commitAnimations Note I also added the begin endIgnoringInteractionEvents calls so the user can't tap on the button while it's fading back to its normal state. If you want to allow that replace..

Programmatically lock iPhone screen in iOS 7


Correct way of showing consecutive modalViews


self performSelector @selector seekModal withObject nil afterDelay 0.5 UIApplication sharedApplication endIgnoringInteractionEvents The problem is that this won't work all the time the delay needed is superior sometimes . Another possible fix would be..

Great UIKit/Objective-C code snippets


UIApplication sharedApplication beginIgnoringInteractionEvents active the touch events UIApplication sharedApplication endIgnoringInteractionEvents Show the network Activity Indicator UIApplication sharedApplication .networkActivityIndicatorVisible YES Hide the network..