

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:08:57

iphone Programming Glossary: fetching

Need content in UIWebView to display quickly


out how to do this. somehow get what's already loaded to display even though the external references haven't finished fetching yet strip the code of all scripts link tags and iframes to erase the external references. I've tried this one but for some..

Asynchronous methods in NSOperation


methods in NSOperation I'm fetching some data from Facebook Connect using the FBConnect Objective C 2.0 framework and I'm doing all that in an NSOperation...

New to Core Data for iphone


by Louis Gerbarg to get data out of Core Data and display it into your table view. Add code in your existing RSS fetching and parsing routines to store new Core Data objects back into the store when appropriate. A good way to start is just to..

Special Characters in NSString from HTML


Characters in NSString from HTML I'm fetching data from an XML source and parsing through it with tbxml. Everything is working fine until I get to a latin letter like..

Core data many-to-many relationship - Predicate question


attributes and relationships as properties on your objects. If you only know the list name for some reason and you are fetching Patient objects then you can create a predicate using the to many relationship from Patient to List assume it's named lists..



forKey @ key2 request setDelegate self request startAsynchronous void requestFinished ASIHTTPRequest request Use when fetching text data NSString responseString request responseString Use when fetching binary data NSData responseData request responseData.. ASIHTTPRequest request Use when fetching text data NSString responseString request responseString Use when fetching binary data NSData responseData request responseData self parseData responseData av stopAnimating av.hidden YES void requestFailed..

How should I architect my iPhone app to talk to my website?


a mySQL database and have the iPhone clients talk to it and use REST'ful methods to perform the functions of the site fetching latest content posting content voting account management as examples . I'd like the clients to get a local copy of the data.. that would act as a wrapper to call class responsible to update the model. Create another class for updating the model fetching the XMLs from web app. Do not even consider using synchronous connections not even from a dedicated thread. Asynchronous..

iVar property, access via self?


display data in alphabetical order iphone


to use NSSortDescriptor you have to make the object of this NSSortDescriptor class and give data here which you are fetching from XML NSSortDescriptor itemXml NSSortDescriptor alloc initWithKey @ itemName ascending YES Now suppose you have an array..

setKeepAliveTimeout and BackgroundTasks


server for security reasons cannot take into account the user credentials. All that i can do is to move the login and fetching core to the client iPhone . I noticed that Apple offers an opportunity for applications to wake up and keep opened a Socket..

NSFetchedResultsController custom sort not getting called


all over the program and found that the NSFetchedResultsController does not even enter the comparator block when fetching. It instead sorts it with some default sorting method. If I delete and add an Object with an objectName however it then..

Is calling -[NSRunLoop runUntilDate:] a good idea?


it makes me nervous to tell the run loop to run from within the run loop. More info I have a project right now that is fetching data from a REST service. One critical piece of information that needs to be obtained is the range of dates with valid data...

iphone “unable to open database file” for call_history.db in xcode app


call_history.db for ios 3.0 and above call_history.db if sqlite3_open path UTF8String database SQLITE_OK code for fetching the calls goes here. NSLog @ call_history present else NSLog @ Failed to open database with message ' s'. sqlite3_errmsg..

How to calculate UILabel height dynamically?


Core Data vs. SQLite for SQL experienced developers


store metadata you can load only a single object. With an SQLite persistent store Core Data does a very good job of fetching only what you need. The NSPredicate API is very easy to learn and it seems to do a decent job of compilation to SQL. At..

Core Data VS Sqlite or FMDB…?


databases hits Core Data's performance is true. But it can be somewhat mitigated by judicious indexing and over fetching. The thing to remember about mobile devices too is that the database size because these are mobile devices on the leaves..

RestKit Object Mapping Relationships without KVC


contacts to a company with the predicate companyID @ . Due to the amount of data 4000 Companies 7000 Contacts fetching all belonging contacts takes about a second so I came up with the idea to use relationsships which works perfect with local..

Trying to Fetching data from sqlite database


to Fetching data from sqlite database Below is my code i am trying to fetch data from my.sqlite database but it is not executing my..

Fetching Core Data in the background


Core Data in the background I have a Navigation View with a Table View when a row is clicked the row indexPath is passed.. fault in objects with those object IDs you use objectWithID to instantiate the object . It sounds like the BackgroundFetching sample application shows how to do this but I don't have it on my system. However before you get too far into multithreading..

Fetch Contacts in iOS 7


sema DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER else we're on iOS 5 or older accessGranted YES if accessGranted #ifdef DEBUG NSLog @ Fetching contact info #endif ABAddressBookRef addressBook ABAddressBookCreateWithOptions NULL error ABRecordRef source ABAddressBookCopyDefaultSource..

Build fat static library (device + simulator) using Xcode and SDK 4+


######### # # Added StackOverflow suggestion to also copy include files # untested but should work OK # echo Fetching headers from PUBLIC_HEADERS_FOLDER_PATH echo if you embed your library project in another project you will need to add echo..

Why Isn't Core Data Fetching My Data?


Isn't Core Data Fetching My Data My data for for an entity's attribute is not being fetched upon restart or not being saved before quitting could..

Fetching image From Animating UIImageView


image From Animating UIImageView I'm using animation method of for implementing slide show in UIimageView as mainSlideShowImageView.animationImages..

For push notifications: how do I add action to alert view to change views?


action loc key ACTION_BUTTON_TITLE loc args MSG_TEXT loc key NOTIFICATION_DETAIL_PAGE badge 10 sound chime Start Fetching parameters from payload NSString action_loc_key NSArray loc_args_array int badge NSString sound @ NSArray payloadAllKeys..

Fetching IP address of router to which iPhone is connected


IP address of router to which iPhone is connected I want to fetch the IP address of the router WiFi access point to which..

blank white screen after FB login via web app?


and redirect_uri parameters to the login as FB.login function response if response.authResponse console.log 'Welcome Fetching your information.... ' FB.api ' me' function response console.log 'Good to see you ' response.name '.' FB.logout function..

How to get the user's current location by code in iphone app?


Enabled.... locationServicesEnabled TRUE UIAlertView alert UIAlertView alloc initWithTitle @ Information message @ Fetching your current location. delegate self cancelButtonTitle @ OK otherButtonTitles nil alert release else NSLog @ Location..