

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:11

iphone Programming Glossary: imageloader

My new version of iOS app crash on loading only when loaded from the app store


NSHTTPCookieStorage DeleteForURL deleteCookiesForURL NSHTTPCookieStorage DeleteForURL.m 20 1 dyld 0x2ff076c0 ImageLoaderMachO doInitialization ImageLoader LinkContext const 16 2 dyld 0x2ff04a36 ImageLoader recursiveInitialization ImageLoader.. deleteCookiesForURL NSHTTPCookieStorage DeleteForURL.m 20 1 dyld 0x2ff076c0 ImageLoaderMachO doInitialization ImageLoader LinkContext const 16 2 dyld 0x2ff04a36 ImageLoader recursiveInitialization ImageLoader LinkContext const unsigned int ImageLoader.. 20 1 dyld 0x2ff076c0 ImageLoaderMachO doInitialization ImageLoader LinkContext const 16 2 dyld 0x2ff04a36 ImageLoader recursiveInitialization ImageLoader LinkContext const unsigned int ImageLoader InitializerTimingList 382 3 dyld 0x2ff04870..