

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:37

iphone Programming Glossary: is..

UITableViewCell Reuse and Images Re-render


1 title header and 1 cell. In each cell there will be a horizontal UIScrollView with more than a few images. Problem is... I can load the images and the cells correctly but when the image quantity increases and when the cell get scrolled to top.. me to believe it's the reuse of the UITableViewCell which generates this problem. Can somebody give me a hand on this... thanks.. below is the code of the UITableViewCell Customize the appearance of table view cells. UITableViewCell tableView..

How to use Sample Code of “Core Data with iCloud” session 227 in WWDC 2012?


tutorials.. I spended few weeks already and I'm tired. I know this is because of my lack of skill. problem I'm facing is... void asyncLoadPersistentStores NSError error nil if self loadLocalPersistentStore error NSLog @ Added local store else..

loading images from the correct bundle when localizing storyboards


can have only one storyboard... and change only labels image etc... according to Localizable.strings something linke this... http stackoverflow.com a 12149553 1702413 Also you must have different file name for images for hot changing I don't know.. a 12149553 1702413 Also you must have different file name for images for hot changing I don't know if a bug... or what is... UPD You have a little project https dl.dropbox.com u 19438780 test5 20copy2.zip with both.. If you are changing the storyboard..

What tool or technology does Apple use to create its documentation?


and .tex source markup isn't that bad... but learning enough to tweak things to get the exact style of output I want is... well lets put it this way. TeX was created by Donald Knuth of The Art of Computer Programming fame because when he went..

RTL shows numbers at the end of lines


How can I make my AES encryption identical between Java and Objective-C (iPhone)?


buffer length numBytesEncrypted free buffer free the buffer return nil And the java encryption code is... public byte encryptData byte data String key byte encrypted null Security.addProvider new org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider..

Iphone App submission: Status bar and screenshots


having a look around the App store I have noticed quite a few app screenshots contain the status bar. So my question is... Is including the status bar in application screenshots a rejectable offence NB The Google App screenshots contains the..

Can't add a corner radius and a shadow


Denis iphone objective c core animation core graphics quartz graphics share improve this question Yes yes there is... If you want both a corner radius and a drop shadow you don't turn on masksToBounds but rather set the corner radius and..

Keeping values between view controllers


on iOS yet myself so I'm not sure what the semantics of what parentViewController should point to for a given view is... but I'd venture that your ItemAddViewController instance should probably be the parent for your CategorySelectionViewController..

iPhone AVFoundation camera orientation


the WWDC presentation and I've downloaded the WWDC sample program but even that doesn't do it. The code from my app is... AVCaptureConnection videoConnection CameraVC connectionWithMediaType AVMediaTypeVideo fromConnections imageCaptureOutput.. processImage image processImage uses the same writeImage... method as the WWDC code and the code from the WWDC app is... AVCaptureConnection videoConnection AVCamDemoCaptureManager connectionWithMediaType AVMediaTypeVideo fromConnections self.. share improve this question Well it's taken me fracking forever but I've done it The bit of code I was looking for is... UIDevice currentDevice .orientation This goes in as so... AVCaptureConnection videoConnection CameraVC connectionWithMediaType..

Send and receive NSData via GameKit


first Packet alloc initWithFileName name ofType type index 0 autorelease Find out how big the NON packet payload is... NSMutableData data NSMutableData data NSKeyedArchiver coder NSKeyedArchiver alloc initForWritingWithMutableData data autorelease..

Repeating NSTimer, weak reference, owning reference or iVar?


the following situation There is no easy answer I am aware of Not that the latter has to say much but... So my advice is... Don't make your timer a property don't provide accessors for it Instead keep it private with the modern runtime i think..

How to target iPhone 3GS AND iPhone 4 in one media query?


media query only so far supported by webkit @media screen and webkit min device pixel ratio 2 ... Now the thing is... I want my nice shiny new iPhone 4 layout amalgamated with the iPhone 3GS and mobile device layout as they will both have..

Integrating Cocos2D with UIKit


and i've seen very little material on how to integrate cocos2d with UIKit note not the other way around . What i mean is... for example... adding a cocos sprite animation inside a UIView which is placed inside a split view controller as a subview..

iOS Development: Why do I always get the “A connection failure occurred” on the 1st attempt, but success on the next?


to make a POST request to my web app but then the POST request works fine the on the second attempt. The exact error is... Error Domain ASIHTTPRequestErrorDomain Code 1 A connection failure occurred UserInfo 0xb513740 NSUnderlyingError 0xb5135a0..

UIDevice uniqueIdentifier Deprecated - What To Do Now?


Can anyone suggest any ideas how we might handle this problem going forward The suggestion from the documentation is... Special Considerations Do not use the uniqueIdentifier property. To create a unique identifier specific to your app you..

How to build parallax scroll on an iOS device


html5 css3 and javascript... the best part of the app was they had perfectly created a parallax scroll... My question is... how ... I can not find any documentation on it being possible to create a parallax scroll on iOS devises... if someone..

Intermittent error accessing core data model / contacts database


IsPreferredName FROM ABPerson WHERE ROWID unable to open database file The code I am executing when the crash occurs is... Client client mutableFetchResults objectAtIndex loop ABRecordID recordID client.addressBookID intValue ABRecordRef person..