

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:37

iphone Programming Glossary: isa

Calculate number of differences between two NSStrings


can I calculate the number of differences between two NSStrings. Example NSString 1 this is a string NSString 2 Tihs isa string should return 4 one for the capital T one for the i the h and for the missing space iphone nsstring comparison ..

Why we used double and triple pointer in objective-C or C language?


single pointer and when should i take double pointer In following structure what exactly did struct objc_class Class isa Class super_class const char name long version long info long instance_size struct objc_ivar_list ivars struct objc_method_list..

Specific compiler flags for specific files in Xcode


developer that worked on this project has somehow declared the line CE7FEB5710F09234004DE356 MyFile.m in Sources isa PBXBuildFile fileRef CE7FEB5510F09234004DE356 MyFile.m settings COMPILER_FLAGS fasm blocks marm mfpu neon Is there any way..

How to check for null value in NSNumber


shoIndex is assigned as a NSNumber that sometimes contains a NSString value @ null . Does Obj C have something like an isa operator that I could use to check the type of the contents of shoIndex TIA Pedro. iphone null compare nsnumber share..

Xcode won't recognize my new provisioning profile


Here's information about the profile I use to sign my binary for development 1D6058940D05DD3E006BFB54 Debug isa XCBuildConfiguration buildSettings ALWAYS_SEARCH_USER_PATHS NO CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY sdk iphoneos iPhone Developer Daniel Tan..

Changing the source of a static library needs clean and build in xcode 4


that only the filname remains like this the important part is path libLibrary.a A74F787413566130000D0AFC libLibrary.a isa PBXFileReference lastKnownFileType archive.ar path libLibrary.a sourceTree BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR share improve this answer..

Why is object not dealloc'ed when using ARC + NSZombieEnabled


worked like I originally wrote turning on zombies would directly lead to innumerable false positives... There is some isa swizzling going on probably in _objc_rootRelease so any override of dealloc should still be called with zombies enabled... And it has nothing to do with ARC. NSZombieEnabled basically swizzles dealloc for an implementation which in turn isa swizzles that object's type to _NSZombie a dummy class that blows up as soon as you send any message to it. This is expected..

Could not load NIB in bundle: 'NSBundle when using storyboarding


a .nib in the .xcodeproj project.pbxproj file however Begin PBXBuildRule section 148BDD4C14AE8D5E002C30ED PBXBuildRule isa PBXBuildRule compilerSpec com.apple.compilers.proxy.script fileType wrapper.nib isEditable 1 outputFiles script DEVELOPER_BIN_DIR..

The file InfoPlist.strings couldn't be opened


in the project.pbxproj file If you open the file to view the source and search for plist find the following line fr isa PBXFileReference lastKnownFileType text.plist.strings name fr path Users YOUR USER PATH_TO_PROJECT fr.lproj InfoPlist.strings.. InfoPlist.strings Also change the sourceTree value from absolute to group The line should now look like this fr isa PBXFileReference lastKnownFileType text.plist.strings name fr path fr.lproj InfoPlist.strings sourceTree group Repeat these..