

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:11:15

iphone Programming Glossary: mainstoryboard

Programatically set the initial view controller using Storyboards


view controller. If you run your app at this point you'll read Failed to instantiate the default view controller for UIMainStoryboardFile 'MainStoryboard' perhaps the designated entry point is not set And you'll notice that your window property in the app.. you run your app at this point you'll read Failed to instantiate the default view controller for UIMainStoryboardFile 'MainStoryboard' perhaps the designated entry point is not set And you'll notice that your window property in the app delegate is now nil... UIWindow alloc initWithFrame UIScreen.mainScreen.bounds UIStoryboard storyboard UIStoryboard storyboardWithName @ MainStoryboard bundle nil UIViewController viewController determine the initial view controller here and instantiate it with storyboard..

Display clearColor UIViewController over UIViewController


with it Any suggestion appreciated. FirstViewController.m UIStoryboard storyboard UIStoryboard storyboardWithName @ MainStoryboard bundle nil UIViewController vc storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier @ SecondViewController vc setModalPresentationStyle.. How simple is that FirstViewController.m UIStoryboard storyboard UIStoryboard storyboardWithName @ MainStoryboard bundle nil UIViewController vc storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier @ SecondViewController vc.view.backgroundColor.. property of navigationController FirstViewController.m UIStoryboard storyboard UIStoryboard storyboardWithName @ MainStoryboard bundle nil UIViewController vc storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier @ SecondViewController vc.view.backgroundColor..

How to present a splash/login view controller using storyboards


readyToRun startupWorkIsDone userIsLoggedIn if readyToRun UIStoryboard storyboard UIStoryboard storyboardWithName @ MainStoryboard bundle nil AppStartupViewController startupVC storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier @ AppStartupViewController..

Warning about window hierarchy


mainV withObject nil afterDelay 2.0 void mainV moviePlayer nil UIStoryboard sb UIStoryboard storyboardWithName @ MainStoryboard bundle nil UIViewController vc sb instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier @ mainViewController vc.modalTransitionStyle UIModalTransitionStyleCrossDissolve..

UIModalPresentationCurrentContext with Transition?


I am trying to modal present a view controller like below UIStoryboard storyboard UIStoryboard storyboardWithName @ MainStoryboard bundle nil UIViewController vc storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier @ addPopover vc.view.backgroundColor UIColor..

iOS iPhone 5 Choose Correct Storyboard


have a setting set correctly that controls the switch The main storyboard for devices not of the iPhone 5 is called MainStoryboard. The iphone 5 appropriate layout is called iphone5. I'm thinking this may be a project configuration setting issue. This.. using the storyboard file named Storyboard_iPhone35 UIStoryboard iPhone35Storyboard UIStoryboard storyboardWithName @ MainStoryboard bundle nil Instantiate the initial view controller object from the storyboard UIViewController initialViewController iPhone35Storyboard..

loading images from the correct bundle when localizing storyboards


mainBundle pathForResource lang ofType @ lproj UIStoryboard storyBoard storyBoard UIStoryboard storyboardWithName @ MainStoryboard bundle bnd UIViewController initViewController storyBoard instantiateInitialViewController self.window.rootViewController..

How to load a storyboard from a XIB file?


called the following line IBAction NextView id sender UIStoryboard mainStoryBoard UIStoryboard storyboardWithName @ MainStoryboard bundle nil mainStoryBoard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier @ StoryViewController But I get this error when I run.. in the Identity section IBAction NextView id sender UIStoryboard mainStoryBoard UIStoryboard storyboardWithName @ MainStoryboard bundle nil StoryViewController storyViewController mainStoryBoard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier @ StoryViewController..

How to create a UIViewController layout in storyboard and then use it in code?


ViewController. You can do something like this UIViewController viewController UIStoryboard storyboardWithName @ MainStoryboard bundle NULL instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier @ ResultsController self presentModalViewController viewController..

Creating a programmatic tab bar with storyboard view controllers?


view is only partially showing because some of the UI components are in the storyboard. The name of my storyboard is MainStoryboard and I set the storyboard view identifier to SettingsViewController. How can I initialize my storyboard for SettingsViewController.. the view controller directly load the storyboard by name UIStoryboard storyboard UIStoryboard storyboardWithName @ MainStoryboard bundle nil either one of the two depending on if your view controller is the initial one settingsViewController storyboard..

Storyboard - refer to ViewController in AppDelegate


the IB Attributes Inspector EDITED to add example code UIStoryboard mainStoryboard UIStoryboard storyboardWithName @ MainStoryboard bundle nil MyViewController controller MyViewController mainStoryboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier @ Controller..

Could not find a storyboard named 'MainStoryBoard' in bundle NSBundle


iPhone IOS5 Storyboard, how to load a UIViewController with a custom .xib file?
