

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:11:24

iphone Programming Glossary: mistakenly



build error and sometimes but less common is it's Archive 'Share' or 'Submit' manifestation is the result of mistakenly modifying Trust Settings on one of your iOS Development related certificates. The resolution is slightly different than..

iPod Touch 4G thinks it's an iPad


two keys to assign the different MainWindow files Main nib file base name iPad and Main nib file base name iPhone I mistakenly thought the second key would apply to the iPod Touch also as there is no Main nib file base name iPodTouch key. Turns out..

NSURL into NSData (Cocoa error 256.)


Something tells me using dataWithContentsOfURL is not good idea. Update One more question which is put as a comment mistakenly What is the difference between NSData dataWithContentsOfURL uri and NSKeyedArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject uri Thanks...

Semicolon after the method name in Objective-C implementation file


this work As I am working on an iPhone app I put the semicolon after the method name in one of my custom class by mistakenly. But there was no warning or any crash. In fact it is working fine. iphone objective c share improve this question ..

Warning in Custom Map Annotations iPhone


deallocated while key value observers were still registered with it. Observation info was leaked and may even become mistakenly attached to some other object. Set a breakpoint on NSKVODeallocateBreak to stop here in the debugger. Here's the current..

Setting breakpoint at NSKVODeallocateBreak


deallocated while key value observers were still registered with it. Observation info was leaked and may even become mistakenly attached to some other object. Set a breakpoint on NSKVODeallocateBreak to stop here in the debugger. Here's the current..

I didn't check the Targeted for iPad option when creating a View Controller. How can I fix my UIView to be targeted for iPad devices using XCode 4.2?


file. How can I fix my Nib and View Controller so that it behaves as if it is Targeted for iPad even though I've mistakenly not specified it as such iphone ios xcode ipad interface builder share improve this question Try this at your own risk..

Removing App ID from Developer Connection


App ID from Developer Connection How do I remove an App ID from the developer program portal area I mistakenly added a couple of app id's under the wrong login and would like to remove them but I am not seeing a way to do so. Any help..