

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:31

iphone Programming Glossary: paymentqueue

Apple reject because of In app purchase not implement restore [closed]


void checkPurchasedItems SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue restoreCompletedTransactions another delegate was not fired void paymentQueueRestoreCompletedTransactionsFinished SKPaymentQueue queue It only popups an alert view to let you enter your Apple ID ..... transaction.payment.productIdentifier SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue finishTransaction transaction Payment Queue void paymentQueue SKPaymentQueue queue updatedTransactions NSArray transactions for SKPaymentTransaction transaction in transactions switch..

How to download In-App hosted content?


In App purchase. It lists the products. When I want to download the products from Apple I do something like this void paymentQueue SKPaymentQueue queue updatedTransactions NSArray transactions for SKPaymentTransaction transaction in transactions switch.. case SKPaymentTransactionStatePurchased SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue startDownloads transaction.downloads .... void paymentQueue SKPaymentQueue queue updatedDownloads NSArray downloads NSLog @ paymentQues for SKDownload download in downloads switch.. in downloads switch download.downloadState case SKDownloadStateActive NSLog @ f download.progress break ... void paymentQueue SKPaymentQueue queue removedTransactions NSArray transactions I started the download in updatedTransactions then updatedDownloads..

How do I add consumable In App Purchases using NSUserDefaults and not my own server?


SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue addPayment payment ends method... #pragma mark SKPaymentTransactionObserver... void paymentQueue SKPaymentQueue queue updatedTransactions NSArray transactions for SKPaymentTransaction transaction in transactions switch..

iPhone In-App Purchase Store Kit error -1003 “Cannot connect to iTunes Store”


I exercised my app in a way which caused the app to crash mid purchase so I guess the normal cycle of receiving paymentQueue updatedTransactions and calling finishTransaction was interrupted . Now I am unable to successfully complete any transactions.. any transactions and instead am getting only transactions with transactionState SKPaymentTransactionStateFailed when paymentQueue updatedTransactions is called. The transaction.error.code is 1003 and the transaction.error.localizedDescription is Cannot..

SKPayementQueue: restoring transactions finishes without calling 'updatedTransactions' in release config but not debug config


works normally IE I call SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue restoreCompletedTransactions sometime later the queueCalls void paymentQueue SKPaymentQueue queue updatedTransactions NSArray transactions and sometime after that it calls void paymentQueueRestoreCompletedTransactionsFinished.. void paymentQueue SKPaymentQueue queue updatedTransactions NSArray transactions and sometime after that it calls void paymentQueueRestoreCompletedTransactionsFinished SKPaymentQueue queue and everyone is happy. BUT in my release configuration I never..

In App Purchase (IAP) process appears to be crashing the app on launch for one of my users


IAPHelper.m 172 4 MetricMe 0x00069ce8 IAPHelper restoreTransaction IAPHelper.m 146 5 MetricMe 0x00069b14 IAPHelper paymentQueue updatedTransactions IAPHelper.m 124 6 StoreKit 0x312fddc8 __NotifyObserverAboutChanges 80 7 CoreFoundation 0x2eb2d714.. IAPHelper.m 172 11 MetricMe 0x00069ce8 IAPHelper restoreTransaction IAPHelper.m 146 12 MetricMe 0x00069b14 IAPHelper paymentQueue updatedTransactions IAPHelper.m 124 13 StoreKit 0x312fddc8 __NotifyObserverAboutChanges 80 14 CoreFoundation 0x2eb2d716..

How do you add a In-app purchase to an iPhone application?


restores purchases you should hook this up to a button SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue restoreCompletedTransactions void paymentQueueRestoreCompletedTransactionsFinished SKPaymentQueue queue NSLog @ received restored transactions i queue.transactions.count.. restores a purchase self doRemoveAds SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue finishTransaction transaction break void paymentQueue SKPaymentQueue queue updatedTransactions NSArray transactions for SKPaymentTransaction transaction in transactions switch..

iPhone Store Kit “Cannot connect to iTunes Store”


products. My problem arises when I add a SKPayment to the SKPaymentQueue. After I add the product to the queue in the paymentQueue updatedTransactions method the transactions always have the state SKPaymentTransactionStateFailed. I NSLog the transaction.error..

iPhone storekit sandbox stopped working


buy 4a My code gets a failed transaction with error code 2 and description cannot connect to itunes store via the void paymentQueue SKPaymentQueue queue updatedTransactions NSArray transactions method. SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue finishTransaction transaction..

Apple In app purchase StoreKit error


from AppStore delegate self cancelButtonTitle @ OK otherButtonTitles nil alert show alert release Observer void paymentQueue SKPaymentQueue queue updatedTransactions NSArray transactions for SKPaymentTransaction transaction in transactions NSLogInfo..

In App Purchase Crashes on [[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue] addPayment:payment]


@ ON #pragma mark #pragma mark SKPaymentTransactionObserver methods called when the transaction status is updated void paymentQueue SKPaymentQueue queue updatedTransactions NSArray transactions for SKPaymentTransaction transaction in transactions switch..

In App Purchase user cancels tx while app in background: tx state stays on purchasing


popup appears asking to confirm purchase. User cancels App is activated again and would expect to recieve void paymentQueue SKPaymentQueue queue updatedTransactions NSArray transactions but does not. The TX is still in state purchasing. This process..