

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:14

iphone Programming Glossary: registers

Getting user location every n minutes after app goes to background


Apple PNS (push notification services) sample code


and works well during testing. import socket ssl json struct # device token returned when the iPhone application # registers to receive alerts deviceToken 'XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX' thePayLoad 'aps'..

Property not found in object type


@synthesize fetchedResultsController _fetchedResultsController Here is the app delegate file where the error registers #import AppDelegate.h #import ChildrenTVC.h @implementation AppDelegate @synthesize window _window @synthesize managedObjectContext..

How to share all the data i have stored using sqlite database between two devices to reuse the data by dumping in another device


share improve this question You might have seen some apps open the pdf files from the mail box because those apps registers themselves to handle the .pdf files. So iOS shows he list of available apps who registered to open the pdf files so that..

When I delete my iOS application push notification state remains


a day per application. Resetting the Push Notifications Permissions Alert on iOS The first time a push enabled app registers for push notifications iOS asks the user if they wish to receive notifications for that app. Once the user has responded..

Create a class at runtime - Why do NSClassFromString AND objc_getclass return nil?


for discussion of registration you find this tidbit in objc_getClassList The Objective C runtime library automatically registers all the classes defined in your source code. You can create class definitions at runtime and register them with the objc_addClass..

iPhone sdk pass messages between view controllers


What is NSNotification?


provided an Observer Pattern in the Cocoa library called the NSNotificationCenter. The basic idea is that a listener registers with a broadcaster using some predefined protocol. At some later point the broadcaster is told to notify all of its listeners..

Reset push notification settings for app


improve this question Technical Note TN2265 Troubleshooting Push Notifications The first time a push enabled app registers for push notifications iOS asks the user if they wish to receive notifications for that app. Once the user has responded..

is there stack size in iphone?


have stack and heap these are program use constructs and not part of the memory physically nor do the Intel segment registers apply to ARM. An application's thread since it is a C application has a stack. The stack size is bounded on the device and..

Xcode/GDB: How to get information about an exception that was just thrown?


breakpoint. Note that in all cases I tested the exception object was also present in the eax and edx registers at the time the breakpoint hit. I'm not sure that'll always be the case though. Added from comment below In lldb select..

Correct way to poll server in background


you should do is to use push notifications. On your server you link up with apple's push notification service the user registers for push notifications and you either know what interesting data is or they tell you. When that data is available you send..

How can I “reset” the tabbar in an iPhone application


with the defaultCenter to listen for @ JMUserLogout will perform any actions you choose. Here's how your object registers this should be located in some place like ViewWillLoad or the initialization method of the object NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter..

Passing array between view controllers?


object and retains it so that the model object does not go away while the controller lives. The controller then also registers for notifications of the model. So how would a typical download work then Get an instance of the model object call void..

Requesting iPhone location whilst in background?


around your inactive state problem. Just enable background location services. Info.plist Required background modes App registers for location updates Whilst in background when a new location is received your app will go in a background active state..

FFMPEG integration on iphone/ ipad project


asm tag. If you forget to include this tag you will likely to receive this error cc1 error in backend Ran out of registers during register allocation make libavcodec h264_cabac.o Error 1 Build FFmpeg for i386 make clean make make install Create..

How can I transfer files from one application to another in the same iOS device?


share improve this question UIDocumentInteractionController is your friend. Basically it works like this App 1 registers as being able to handle files of type XYZ App 2 implements UIDocumentInteractionController and will give users the options..

ABAddressBookRegisterExternalChangeCallback works, but data is stale


works but data is stale my app registers the callback once notificationAddressBook ABAddressBookCreate ABAddressBookRegisterExternalChangeCallback notificationAddressBook..

UIScrollView touches vs subview touches


is if I take the touchesBegan and touchesEnded out of Stone.m but leave userInteractionEnabled YES the beachView registers both touches itself but returns the Stone as the view it touched the second time . Touched beach BeachView 0x1276a0 ran..