

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:39

iphone Programming Glossary: savetourl

[CFNumber release]: message sent to deallocated instance


history.mutualFriends NSNumber numberWithInteger 53 history.nonFollowers NSNumber numberWithInteger 53 self.document saveToURL self.document.fileURL forSaveOperation UIDocumentSaveForOverwriting completionHandler ^ BOOL success Fetch previous records..

iCloud basics and code sample [closed]


initWithFileURL ubiquitousPackage _document doc doc.delegate self.viewController self.viewController.document doc doc saveToURL doc fileURL forSaveOperation UIDocumentSaveForCreating completionHandler ^ BOOL success NSLog @ AppDelegate new document..

How can I use iCloud to synchronize a .zip file between my apps?


NSData data NSData alloc initWithContentsOfURL u NSLog @ @ @ zipFilePath data mydoc.zipDataContent data mydoc saveToURL mydoc fileURL forSaveOperation UIDocumentSaveForCreating completionHandler ^ BOOL success if success NSLog @ PictureZip..

Pre-load core data database in iOS 5 with UIManagedDocument


@ Default Database if NSFileManager defaultManager fileExistsAtPath self.document.fileURL path self.document saveToURL self.document.fileURL forSaveOperation UIDocumentSaveForCreating completionHandler ^ BOOL success if success self loadDataIntoDocument.. copy that document into your documents folder. You can do that easily by simply saving doc to a different location doc saveToURL newURL forSaveOperation UIDocumentSaveForCreating completionHandler ^ BOOL success One more thing You have to make sure..

How do I create a global UIManagedDocument instance per document-on-disk shared by my whole application using blocks?


opened document is returned. The class method retrieves the UIManagedDocument and calls openWithCompletionHandler or saveToURL as necessary and includes a block of code to run when the opened document is returned. openwithCompletionHandler or saveToURL.. as necessary and includes a block of code to run when the opened document is returned. openwithCompletionHandler or saveToURL complete their task and return with success YES and run the code in its block The class method completes its task and returns.. ^ BOOL success Can I call the completionBlock from above in here How do I pass back the opened UIDocument else doc saveToURL url forSaveOperation UIDocumentSaveForCreating completionHandler ^ BOOL success As per comments above iphone objective..