

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:39

iphone Programming Glossary: scanhexint

Objective C parse hex string to integer


How to convert HEX RGB color codes to UIColor?


6 cleanString cleanString stringByAppendingString @ ff unsigned int baseValue NSScanner scannerWithString cleanString scanHexInt baseValue if red red baseValue 24 0xFF 255.0f if green green baseValue 16 0xFF 255.0f if blue blue baseValue 8 0xFF 255.0f.. 6 cleanString cleanString stringByAppendingString @ ff unsigned int baseValue NSScanner scannerWithString cleanString scanHexInt baseValue float red baseValue 24 0xFF 255.0f float green baseValue 16 0xFF 255.0f float blue baseValue 8 0xFF 255.0f float..

How to get an int in decimal from a Hex NSString


tempNumber tempNumber number.text NSScanner scanner NSScanner scannerWithString tempNumber unsigned int temp scanner scanHexInt temp NSLog @ @ d tempNumber temp but the NSLog output isn't what I perfer.. 2012 01 24 01 34 57.703 TestingUnit 34861 f803..