

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:39

iphone Programming Glossary: scratching

cannot find interface declaration for 'AbstractPickerView',superclass of 'AttackLayer'


find interface declaration for 'AbstractPickerView' superclass of 'AttackLayer' I have been scratching my head on this one for some time now and was hoping an extra pair of eyes would help I am getting a Cannot find interface..

Conditional Compilation in assembler (.s) code for iPhone - how?


of course and none of the conditional compilation techniques for assembler that i could remember or find worked so i'm scratching my head now on how to avoid compilation of that assembler code when building for the Simulator. I also don't see a project..

Is parentViewController always a Navigation controller?


parentViewController always a Navigation controller I was kind of scratching my head at this a week ago and now with a little bit more Cocoa experience under my belt I feel like I have an inkling as..

UIWebView font is thinner in portrait than landscape


this question I've seen this in Safari itself too with a web app I'm putting together. After a day or so of head scratching and deconstructing the CSS used by the iPad User Guide I found that webkit transform translate3d 0 0 0 does the trick. Googling..

Drawing in CATiledLayer with CoreGraphics CGContextDrawImage


I had the same issues as you do when I moved the demo code from drawRect across to drawLayer inContext . Hours of head scratching and NSLogging showed me that within drawLayer inContext the size and offset of rect returned from CGContextGetClipBoundingBox..

What is meant by .delegate=self?


to forget that line of code. If you forget that line of code you are stuffed. The messages go nowhere and you are left scratching your head trying to figure out what the heck went wrong. Something else you have to do when you use a delegate you have..

Is there a way to toggle bluetooth and/or wifi on and off programatically in iOS?


API private or not has the required functionality to simply toggle the state of these facilities. Because this is scratching a very personal itch I have no intent to try and sell the App or get it up on the App store so conforming with App guidelines..

iPhone: NSData representation of Audio file for Editing


NSData representation of Audio file for Editing I have been scratching my head since long now but not getting around to this. I haven't found a single example for Audio editing I want to insert..