

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:40

iphone Programming Glossary: scrollrecttovisible

iPhone: Hide UITableView search bar by default


by default but still scrollable with the table view see Apple's Mail application for an example . I've tried calling scrollRectToVisible animated in viewDidLoad to scroll the table view down but to no avail. What's the preferred way of hiding the search bar..

Loop an UIScrollView [duplicate]


count 2 HEIGHT_OF_IMAGE scrollView setContentOffset CGPointMake 0 0 self.view addSubview scrollView self.scrollView scrollRectToVisible CGRectMake WIDTH_OF_IMAGE 0 WIDTH_OF_IMAGE HEIGHT_OF_IMAGE animated NO super viewDidLoad void scrollViewDidEndDecelerating.. slideImages count 2 self.scrollView.frame.size.width 1 if currentPage 0 go last but 1 page self.scrollView scrollRectToVisible CGRectMake WIDTH_OF_IMAGE slideImages count 0 WIDTH_OF_IMAGE HEIGHT_OF_IMAGE animated NO else if currentPage slideImages.. slideImages count 0 WIDTH_OF_IMAGE HEIGHT_OF_IMAGE animated NO else if currentPage slideImages count 1 self.scrollView scrollRectToVisible CGRectMake WIDTH_OF_IMAGE 0 WIDTH_OF_IMAGE HEIGHT_OF_IMAGE animated NO void didReceiveMemoryWarning Releases the view if..

UIScrollView works as expected but scrollRectToVisible: does nothing


works as expected but scrollRectToVisible does nothing I have used UIScrollView before and am using it now and never had a problem. I'm now adding it to an old app.. scrollToRectVisible to work. I have even simplified the call so that it merely moves to the 0 0 position scrollView scrollRectToVisible CGRectMake 0 0 10 10 animated YES or move it to 0 200 scrollView scrollRectToVisible CGRectMake 0 200 10 10 animated YES.. to the 0 0 position scrollView scrollRectToVisible CGRectMake 0 0 10 10 animated YES or move it to 0 200 scrollView scrollRectToVisible CGRectMake 0 200 10 10 animated YES I even made a quick app to test this and I can get scrollRectToVisible to work there..

Get notified when UITableView has finished asking for data?


UITableView but right down to the pixel level not just to the nearest row. When restoring the scroll position using scrollRectToVisible animated I need the table view to already have sufficient data in it or else the scrollRectToVisible animated method call.. position using scrollRectToVisible animated I need the table view to already have sufficient data in it or else the scrollRectToVisible animated method call does nothing which is what happens if you place the call on its own in any of viewDidLoad viewWillAppear..

How do I scroll a UITableView to a section that contains no rows?


the 2.x SDK. Found a decent workaround CGRect sectionRect tableView rectForSection indexOfSectionToScrollTo tableView scrollRectToVisible sectionRect animated YES The code above will scroll the tableview so the desired section is visible but not necessarily.. tableView rectForSection indexOfSectionToScrollTo sectionRect.size.height tableView.frame.size.height tableView scrollRectToVisible sectionRect animated YES Modify sectionRect as desired to scroll the desired section to the bottom or middle of the visible..

how to programatically set the current page for UIPageControl?


of the scrollView use CGRect frame scrollView.frame frame.origin.x frame.size.width page frame.origin.y 0 scrollView scrollRectToVisible frame animated YES I just implemented the same e.g scrollview and page control and used the pageControl.currentPage pageNumber..

Is there a way to change page indicator dots color


How can I programmatically force-stop scrolling in a UIScrollView?


actions I want to kill any scrolling dragging or deceleration inside the view. I've tried doing e.g. this scrollView scrollRectToVisible CGRectInset scrollView bounds 10 10 animated NO on the theory that given a rect that's already known visible the scrolling..

How to implement a cyclic UIScrollView?


you have. When you have done the scroll and altered the views according to the left current right shuffle you do self scrollRectToVisible middle frame animated NO so that you are always looking at the same actual page with one page each side of it. When the..

UITableView - scroll to the top


Programmatically force a UIScrollView to stop scrolling, for sharing a table view with multiple data sources


scrollToRowAtIndexPath savedIndexPath atScrollPosition UITableViewScrollPositionTop animated NO OR self.tableView scrollRectToVisible savedFrame animated NO They should actually effect the scrolling and by extension the acceleration of the table not just..