

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:39

iphone Programming Glossary: scoured

Compute a checksum on the iPhone from NSData


later on the checksum will be the same and so I can see that a file with that name already exists hurrah However I've scoured the internet and the Apple docs for how to compute a checksum from a NSData. I know I could implement my own implementation..

How can you enable the iOS 6.0 panorama camera within an application?


normal photo goes but would like to give the user the option to use the new panorama feature in iOS 6 in the app. I've scoured the net and not been able to find any information SO Apple Dev Center etc . I'm unable to determine whether this is even..

UINavigationBar UIBarButtonItems much larger click area than required


UIBarButtonItems much larger click area than required hopefully someone can help me out iv'e scoured the net for the answer and cannot find one the UIBarButtonItems added to UINavigationBar have a much larger click area than..

Memory Troubles with UIImagePicker


Third is there some way to programmatically get my memory usage Or at least the usage for a UIImage object I've scoured the docs and don't see anything about that. iphone cocoa touch memory management uiimagepickercontroller share improve..

Xcode google map navigation


by turn directions by calling up the built in navigation tools on the iPhone. Is there anyway that I can do this I've scoured the developer center and searched both google and here and couldn't find anything about this. iphone objective c xcode..

UITextField in UITableViewCell Help


in UITableViewCell Help I have scoured the internet looking for a good tutorial or posting about having a UITableView populated with a UITextField in each cell..

UIWebView won't load links with certificate (https:// prefix)


access the mail from the portal site 3rd link above and it still never loads the computer science e mail link. I have scoured the iOS help sites posted questions tried multiple open source custom UIWebViews but I have not found anything that works...

UIModalTransitionStylePartialCurl with UITabBarController


help much appreciated. iphone ios4 iphone sdk 3.0 uitabbarcontroller mkmapview share improve this question I've scoured StackOverflow and the Internet for a solution to this problem. The question has been asked many times but as you note never..