

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:39

iphone Programming Glossary: scnetworkreachability

How to determine whether user is on Edge or 3G on iPhone


iPhone active network type (2G, 3G, WiFi)


be enabled 3G but the used network type could be 2G . iphone networking wifi share improve this question The SCNetworkReachability interface can help you with that. Basically you create a so called reachability reference and then call SCNetworkReachabilityGetFlags.. interface can help you with that. Basically you create a so called reachability reference and then call SCNetworkReachabilityGetFlags on it to get information about the connection. The returned flags include kSCNetworkReachabilityFlagsIsWWAN which.. and then call SCNetworkReachabilityGetFlags on it to get information about the connection. The returned flags include kSCNetworkReachabilityFlagsIsWWAN which tells you whether you are connected via WiFi or the cell network. AFAIK it cannot be used to tell the difference..

SCNetworkReachabilityGetFlags in Reachability sample code takes too long to return


in Reachability sample code takes too long to return I'm using iOS4.1 on an iPhone4. I'm also using the latest.. Apple's docs ReadMe.txt on the Reachability project The Reachability sample demonstrates the asynchronous use of the SCNetworkReachability API. You can use the API synchronously but do not issue a synchronous check by hostName on the main thread. If the device.. hostName on the main thread. If the device cannot reach a DNS server or is on a slow network a synchronous call to the SCNetworkReachabilityGetFlags function can block for up to 30 seconds trying to resolve the hostName. If this happens on the main thread the application..

(iphone) reachability test for specific ip/port?


cook book Here are steps to test ip port reachability construct sockaddr_in variable with given ip port. call SCNetworkReachabilityCreateWithAddress with the address call SCNetworkReachabilityGetFlags and see if kSCNetworkFlagsReachable is set. I find.. construct sockaddr_in variable with given ip port. call SCNetworkReachabilityCreateWithAddress with the address call SCNetworkReachabilityGetFlags and see if kSCNetworkFlagsReachable is set. I find that whatever valid valid range ip port I put to test my code.. SO posts where reachability test to specific ip always succeed Reachability reachabilityWithAddress does not work is SCNetworkReachability.. call only checks the validity of argument ip address or hostname ie do they actually send a packet or do connect to the..

Reachability causes crash after no network situation — how to properly use Reachability asynchronously


0x30ac1bcc si_addrinfo 1080 5 libsystem_info.dylib 0x30abd0b2 getaddrinfo 78 6 SystemConfiguration 0x311b4256 __SCNetworkReachabilityGetFlags 962 7 SystemConfiguration 0x311b4f1e SCNetworkReachabilityGetFlags 98 iphone reachability share improve this.. getaddrinfo 78 6 SystemConfiguration 0x311b4256 __SCNetworkReachabilityGetFlags 962 7 SystemConfiguration 0x311b4f1e SCNetworkReachabilityGetFlags 98 iphone reachability share improve this question In the synchronous case you're probably being killed by.. case you're probably being killed by the iOS Application Watchdog. That's because to do the reachability check the SCNetworkReachability functionality needs to do a DNS lookup which can take up to 30 seconds. If check reachability on the main thread i.e. in..

Is there any way to determine if the iphone is roaming?


if possible. Here is what I've already found 1. Apple SDKs In the apple documentation I found the promise in Apple's SCNetworkReachability API. The API provides access to such things as whether you are on a WIFI or a cell phone network whether a network connection.. are on a WIFI or a cell phone network whether a network connection is currently established etc. However searching the SCNetworkReachability API reference pdf for 'roam' or 'roaming' both turn up nil. So does their sample code. 2. Grep of a Jailbroken iPhone FS..