

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:40

iphone Programming Glossary: screenwidth

Creating 16:9 Video Rather than 4:3 - AVAsset Writer - iPhone


you void createVideoFromStillImage Set the size according to the device type iPhone or iPad . CGSize size CGSizeMake screenWidth screenHeight NSString betaCompressionDirectory NSHomeDirectory stringByAppendingPathComponent @ Documents IntroVideo.mov..

Scaling AR pictures based on the distance from the camera


the ratio in a kind of cranky way double GetCCDToScreenSizeRatio double sensorWidth double sensorHeight double screenWidth double screenHeight return sqrt screenWidth screenHeight sqrt sensorWidth sensorHeight Then the ratio I get can be treated.. GetCCDToScreenSizeRatio double sensorWidth double sensorHeight double screenWidth double screenHeight return sqrt screenWidth screenHeight sqrt sensorWidth sensorHeight Then the ratio I get can be treated as a multiplier. First I calculate a dimension.. double physicalObjectDimension_m double distanceFromPhysicalObject_m double screenWidth UIScreen mainScreen .bounds.size.width double screenHeight UIScreen mainScreen .bounds.size.height return CalculatePhysicalObjectImageDimensionOnScreen..

How to get screen size using code?


on an instance of UIScreen CGRect screenBound UIScreen mainScreen bounds CGSize screenSize screenBound.size CGFloat screenWidth screenSize.width CGFloat screenHeight screenSize.height Most people will want the main screen if you have a device attached..