

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:40

iphone Programming Glossary: scrollview.zoomscale

UIScrollView ImageView with pins on top


You transform the pin by scaling it by the inverse of this value. dropPinView.transform CGAffineTransformMakeScale 1.0 scrollView.zoomScale 1.0 scrollView.zoomScale UIView viewForZoomingInScrollView UIScrollView scrollView return imageView share improve this..

resize all subview in scrollViewDidZoom


set scroll.minimumZoomScale 1 and scroll.maximumZoomScale 5 . During Zoom in time mainView Frame increase depend on scrollView.zoomScale and i have check void scrollViewDidZoom UIScrollView scrollView in this method. At Zoom in time if i get scrollView.zoomScale.. and i have check void scrollViewDidZoom UIScrollView scrollView in this method. At Zoom in time if i get scrollView.zoomScale 2 than mainView Width height become 600 if i get scrollView.zoomScale 3 than mainView Width height become 900 During this.. in this method. At Zoom in time if i get scrollView.zoomScale 2 than mainView Width height become 600 if i get scrollView.zoomScale 3 than mainView Width height become 900 During this process innerView resize due to autoresize property.But Width Height..

iphone uiscrollview and uiimageview - setting initial zoom


view. The image always loads at 100 zoom. Is there a way to set it to load to another zoom level say .37 I have tried scrollView.zoomScale .37 but it didnt seem to work UIImageView tempImage UIImageView alloc initWithImage UIImage imageWithData data self.imageView..

How to recognize swipe gesture in UIScrollView


critical piece is to put the following in the scroll view's delegate void scrollViewDidZoom UIScrollView scrollView if scrollView.zoomScale 1.0 Zooming enable scrolling scrollView.scrollEnabled TRUE else Not zoomed disable scrolling so gestures get used instead..

How to I rotate UIImageView by 90 degrees inside a UIScrollView with correct image size and scrolling?


minimumScale scrollView.frame.size.width self.imageView.frame.size.width scrollView.minimumZoomScale minimumScale scrollView.zoomScale minimumScale scrollView.contentSize CGSizeMake self.imageView.frame.size.height self.imageView.frame.size.width The problem..