

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:41

iphone Programming Glossary: searchresults

UISearchDisplayContoller ??can't prevent table reload on typing in search bar


mark UISearchBarDelegate Methods void searchBarSearchButtonClicked UISearchBar searchBar self.searchDisplayController.searchResultsTableView reloadData #pragma mark #pragma mark Table view data source NSInteger numberOfSectionsInTableView UITableView tableView.. 1 Present a loading cell in the searchTable when the first char is typed. This option allows the SDC to display the searchResultsTableView when the user types the first char display status as to the current search filter operation in the SDC delegate.. option 1 as they can be done together though to optimize things you may not care about showing search activity in the searchResultsTableView if you are hiding the table and showing the overlay. in the SDC delegate class definition same as Option 1 add..

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tableView RELEASE_SAFELY self.items self.items NSMutableArray new int countPeople AddressBookModel self.model .searchResults count for int i 0 i countPeople i ABRecordRef person AddressBookModel self.model .searchResults objectAtIndex i ABMultiValueRef.. self.model .searchResults count for int i 0 i countPeople i ABRecordRef person AddressBookModel self.model .searchResults objectAtIndex i ABMultiValueRef phoneNumberMultiValueRef ABRecordCopyValue person kABPersonPhoneProperty NSArray phoneNumbers.. #import Three20 Three20.h @interface AddressBookModel NSObject TTModel NSMutableArray _delegates NSArray _searchResults @property nonatomic retain NSArray searchResults void search NSString text @end AddressBookModel.m #import AddressBookModel.h..

XML Parsing in Cocoa Touch/iPhone


to the user. I have the following Controller Class variables @interface backendController NSObject NSMutableDictionary searchResults plantInfoResults bookmarkList userLoginResult and functions like getBookmarkList getPlantInfo. Right now i am printing plain..

SearchDisplayController search multiple arrays


UISearchDisplayController controller shouldReloadTableForSearchString NSString searchString BOOL shouldReturn FALSE searchResults removeAllObjects for int i 0 i itemIDRows count i BOOL foundResult FALSE if itemIDRows objectAtIndex i rangeOfString searchString.. searchString .location NSNotFound foundResult TRUE if foundResult NSNumber result NSNumber numberWithInt i if self searchResults nil NSMutableArray array NSMutableArray alloc init self setSearchResults array array release searchResults addObject.. if self searchResults nil NSMutableArray array NSMutableArray alloc init self setSearchResults array array release searchResults addObject result shouldReturn YES return shouldReturn Then when I'm populating the tableview I do something like this if..