

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:41

iphone Programming Glossary: secondviewcontroller

dismissModalViewController AND pass data back


AND pass data back I have two view controllers firstViewController and secondViewController . I am using this code to switch to my secondViewController I am also passing a string to it secondViewController.. controllers firstViewController and secondViewController . I am using this code to switch to my secondViewController I am also passing a string to it secondViewController second secondViewController alloc initWithNibName.. . I am using this code to switch to my secondViewController I am also passing a string to it secondViewController second secondViewController alloc initWithNibName nil bundle nil second.myString @ This text is passed..

dismissModalViewController AND pass data back


AND pass data back I have two view controllers firstViewController and secondViewController . I am using this code to switch to my secondViewController I am also passing a string to it secondViewController second secondViewController alloc initWithNibName.. AND pass data back I have two view controllers firstViewController and secondViewController . I am using this code to switch to my secondViewController I am also passing a string to it secondViewController second secondViewController alloc initWithNibName nil bundle nil second.myString @ This text is passed from.. two view controllers firstViewController and secondViewController . I am using this code to switch to my secondViewController I am also passing a string to it secondViewController second secondViewController alloc initWithNibName nil bundle nil second.myString @ This text is passed from firstViewController second.modalTransitionStyle UIModalTransitionStyleCrossDissolve..

iOS custom tabbar


FirstViewController alloc initWithNibName @ FirstViewController bundle nil UIViewController viewController2 SecondViewController alloc initWithNibName @ SecondViewController bundle nil self.tabBarController UITabBarController alloc init self.tabBarController.viewControllers.. @ FirstViewController bundle nil UIViewController viewController2 SecondViewController alloc initWithNibName @ SecondViewController bundle nil self.tabBarController UITabBarController alloc init self.tabBarController.viewControllers NSArray arrayWithObjects..

Tabbar in Second View


FirstViewController alloc initWithNibName @ FirstViewController bundle nil UIViewController viewController2 SecondViewController alloc initWithNibName @ SecondViewController bundle nil self.tabBarController.viewControllers @ viewController1 viewController2.. @ FirstViewController bundle nil UIViewController viewController2 SecondViewController alloc initWithNibName @ SecondViewController bundle nil self.tabBarController.viewControllers @ viewController1 viewController2 appDelegate.window.rootViewController.. alloc initWithRootViewController firstVC firstNC.tabBarItem.title @ Profile firstVC.tabBarController.tabBar.tag 0 SecondViewController secondVC SecondViewController alloc initWithNibName @ SecondViewController bundle nil UINavigationController SecondNavController..

Transitioning to landscape rotation within a uinavigationcontroller


to return to what you know to be the root level. So void doButton id sender appear to navigate into a landscape view SecondViewController sec SecondViewController alloc init sec.title self.title to give the correct Back button title UINavigationController nav.. to be the root level. So void doButton id sender appear to navigate into a landscape view SecondViewController sec SecondViewController alloc init sec.title self.title to give the correct Back button title UINavigationController nav UINavigationController.. the correct Back button title UINavigationController nav UINavigationController alloc initWithRootViewController sec SecondViewController sec2 SecondViewController alloc init nav pushViewController sec2 animated NO self presentModalViewController nav animated..

iPhone - dismiss multiple ViewControllers


multiple ViewControllers I have a long View Controllers hierarchy in the first View Controller I use this code SecondViewController svc SecondViewController alloc initWithNibName @ SecondViewController bundle nil self presentModalViewController svc animated.. I have a long View Controllers hierarchy in the first View Controller I use this code SecondViewController svc SecondViewController alloc initWithNibName @ SecondViewController bundle nil self presentModalViewController svc animated YES svc release In.. in the first View Controller I use this code SecondViewController svc SecondViewController alloc initWithNibName @ SecondViewController bundle nil self presentModalViewController svc animated YES svc release In the second View Controller I use this code ThirdViewController..

dismissModalViewController AND pass data back


UIKit.h @protocol SecondDelegate NSObject void secondViewControllerDismissed NSString stringForFirst @end @interface SecondViewController UIViewController id myDelegate @property nonatomic assign id SecondDelegate myDelegate Dont forget to synthesize the myDelegate.. myDelegate In your firstViewController's header file subscribe to the SecondDelegate protocol by doing this #import SecondViewController.h @interface FirstViewController UIViewController SecondDelegate Now when you instantiate secondViewController in firstViewController.. SecondDelegate Now when you instantiate secondViewController in firstViewController you should do the following SecondViewController second SecondViewController alloc initWithNibName nil bundle nil second.myString @ This text is passed from firstViewController..

Change Navigation bar Background image on each navigation


drawRect CGRectMake 0 0 320 480 if u want to Second.png to set navigationBar background image in SecondViewController then in ur SecondViewController.m void viewWillAppear BOOL animated super viewWillAppear animated self.title @ Second self.navigationController.navigationBar.. 0 0 320 480 if u want to Second.png to set navigationBar background image in SecondViewController then in ur SecondViewController.m void viewWillAppear BOOL animated super viewWillAppear animated self.title @ Second self.navigationController.navigationBar..

Crash when using gesture recognizers in StoryBoard


to reproduce this is a bug in UIKit. File a bug report. You can work around the bug by creating a strong outlet on SecondViewController and connecting it to the gesture recognizer. Make sure you set the outlet to nil in viewDidUnload . Update Do not ever set..

Setting label text in another class


question Try using an intermediate string to do it like so In FirstViewController void loadNextView load your view SecondViewController vc SecondViewController alloc initWithNibName @ SecondViewController bundle nil set a string in your second view NOT a label.. intermediate string to do it like so In FirstViewController void loadNextView load your view SecondViewController vc SecondViewController alloc initWithNibName @ SecondViewController bundle nil set a string in your second view NOT a label vc.myString @ Some.. void loadNextView load your view SecondViewController vc SecondViewController alloc initWithNibName @ SecondViewController bundle nil set a string in your second view NOT a label vc.myString @ Some String push it or whatever self.navigaitonController..

Back button in iphone app


Passing a ManagedObjectContext to a second view


NSManagedObject selectedObject self fetchedResultsController objectAtIndexPath indexPath SecondViewController secondViewController SecondViewController alloc initWithNibName @ SecondView bundle nil secondViewController.tName selectedObject valueForKey.. indexPath SecondViewController secondViewController SecondViewController alloc initWithNibName @ SecondView bundle nil secondViewController.tName selectedObject valueForKey @ name description secondViewController.managedObjectContext self managedObjectContext.. alloc initWithNibName @ SecondView bundle nil secondViewController.tName selectedObject valueForKey @ name description secondViewController.managedObjectContext self managedObjectContext self.navigationController pushViewController secondViewController animated..

'Receiver (<ViewController:>) has no segue with identifier 'infoseg'


the next ViewController. this is the prepareForSegue UIStoryboardSegue segue sender id sender ShowInfoViewController secondViewController ShowInfoViewController segue.destinationViewController this is how i call the method self performSegueWithIdentifier @ infoseg..

ViewController in UINavigationController orientation change


view controller do this IBAction pushSecondViewController id sender push second view controller SecondViewController secondViewController SecondViewController alloc initWithNibName @ SecondViewController bundle nil self.navigationController pushViewController.. alloc initWithNibName @ SecondViewController bundle nil self.navigationController pushViewController secondViewController animated YES in your each view controller add BOOL shouldAutorotate NSUInteger supportedInterfaceOrientations for iOS 6..

TabBar Support of Three20 iPhone Photo Gallery


alloc init albumController AlbumController alloc init firstViewController FirstViewController alloc init secondViewController SecondViewController alloc init firstViewController.delegateRef self tabBarController.viewControllers NSArray arrayWithObjects.. firstViewController.delegateRef self tabBarController.viewControllers NSArray arrayWithObjects firstViewController secondViewController albumController nil window addSubview tabBarController.view window makeKeyAndVisible Override point for customization.. tabBarController AlbumController albumController FirstViewController firstViewController SecondViewController secondViewController @private NSManagedObjectContext managedObjectContext_ NSManagedObjectModel managedObjectModel_ NSPersistentStoreCoordinator..

dismissModalViewController AND pass data back


AND pass data back I have two view controllers firstViewController and secondViewController . I am using this code to switch to my secondViewController I am also passing a string to it secondViewController second.. back I have two view controllers firstViewController and secondViewController . I am using this code to switch to my secondViewController I am also passing a string to it secondViewController second secondViewController alloc initWithNibName nil bundle nil second.myString.. and secondViewController . I am using this code to switch to my secondViewController I am also passing a string to it secondViewController second secondViewController alloc initWithNibName nil bundle nil second.myString @ This text is passed from firstViewController..