

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:41

iphone Programming Glossary: secondvalue

Multiple UITableViews on one UIView


CellIdentifier autorelease NSString firstValue NSString alloc initWithFormat @ Row i indexPath.row 1 NSString secondValue contentOne objectAtIndex indexPath.row NSString cellValue firstValue stringByAppendingString secondValue appends two strings.. 1 NSString secondValue contentOne objectAtIndex indexPath.row NSString cellValue firstValue stringByAppendingString secondValue appends two strings cell.textLabel setText cellValue return cell void tableView UITableView tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath..

Not able to write to Plist


using a NSDictionary as follows NSDictionary dict NSDictionary alloc initWithObjectsAndKeys @ firstValue @ First @ secondValue @ Second @ thirdValue @ Third nil dict writeToFile path atomically YES I went through many tutorials and forums but its..

iOS Objective C - UIWebView AutoFill and Execute


javascript to fill out the form then submit it. Set the values NSString firstValue @ first value here NSString secondValue @ second value here write javascript code in a string NSString javaScriptString @ document.getElementById 'nameOfOneInput'.. .submit insert string values into javascript javaScriptString NSString stringWithFormat javascriptString firstValue secondValue run javascript in webview webView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString javaScriptString You obviously have to set firstValue..