

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:41

iphone Programming Glossary: secitemadd

Access App Identifier Prefix programmatically


nil OSStatus status SecItemCopyMatching CFDictionaryRef query CFTypeRef result if status errSecItemNotFound status SecItemAdd CFDictionaryRef query CFTypeRef result if status errSecSuccess return nil NSString accessGroup NSDictionary result objectForKey..

Converting Raw RSA Key value to SecKeyRef Object for Encryption


id kSecValueData peerPublicKeyAttr setObject NSNumber numberWithBool YES forKey id kSecReturnPersistentRef sanityCheck SecItemAdd CFDictionaryRef peerPublicKeyAttr CFTypeRef persistPeer The nice thing about persistent references is that you can write..

Importing an SSL cert under the iPhone SDK


dataWithContentsOfFile path assert data nil cert SecCertificateCreateWithData NULL CFDataRef data assert cert NULL err SecItemAdd CFDictionaryRef NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys id kSecClassCertificate kSecClass cert kSecValueRef nil NULL..

Storing In App Purchase receipts in the application Keychain


setObject kYourUpgradeStateKey forKey id kSecAttrService dict setObject kYourUpgradeStateValue forKey id kSecValueData SecItemAdd CFDictionaryRef dict NULL Here ™s how to find the security item to check it ™s value NSMutableDictionary query NSMutableDictionary..

iPhone RSA algorithm with modulus and exponent [duplicate]


from SecKeyWrapper in the Apple CryptoExercise example. Or from the perspective of the low level API you can use SecItemAdd . NSString peerName @ Test Public Key NSData peerTag NSData alloc initWithBytes const void peerName UTF8String length peerName..

RSA Encryption public key?


from SecKeyWrapper in the Apple CryptoExercise example. Or from the perspective of the low level API you can use SecItemAdd . NSString peerName @ Test Public Key NSData peerTag NSData alloc initWithBytes const void peerName UTF8String length peerName..

SFHFKeychainUtils. iOS keychain. ARC compatible


NSUTF8StringEncoding nil NSDictionary query NSDictionary alloc initWithObjects objects forKeys keys status SecItemAdd __bridge_retained CFDictionaryRef query NULL if error nil status noErr Something went wrong with adding the new item...