

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:41

iphone Programming Glossary: secidentityref

get pfx file included in a mobilecertificate in iOS


challenge How can I create the NSURLCredential with the .pfx Should I use NSURLCredential credentialWithIdentity SecIdentityRef identity certificates NSArray certArray persistence NSURLCredentialPersistence persistence If thats the case how do I extract.. @ torbix ofType @ pfx NSData pfxdata NSData dataWithContentsOfFile path CFDataRef inpfxdata CFDataRef pfxdata SecIdentityRef myIdentity SecTrustRef myTrust OSStatus status extractIdentityAndTrust inpfxdata myIdentity myTrust SecCertificateRef myCertificate.. CFRelease certsArray extractIdentityAndTrust method. OSStatus extractIdentityAndTrust CFDataRef inpfxdata identity SecIdentityRef identity trust SecTrustRef trust OSStatus securityError errSecSuccess CFStringRef password CFSTR password const void keys..

iPhone: HTTPS client cert authentication


sender useCredential self credential forAuthenticationChallenge challenge But I don't know how to initialize or fill a SecIdentityRef parameter. Here is my code that creates the credentials NSString certPath NSBundle mainBundle pathForResource @ certificate.. mainBundle pathForResource @ certificate ofType @ cer NSData certData NSData alloc initWithContentsOfFile certPath SecIdentityRef myIdentity SecCertificateRef myCert SecCertificateCreateWithData NULL CFDataRef certData certData release SecCertificateRef.. for any ideas... iphone authentication ssl certificate share improve this question I use these steps extract SecIdentityRef from the pkcs12 certificate file using SecPKCS12Import function use SecIdentityCopyCertificate function to get SecCertificateRef..

NSURLCredentialStorage and client certificate authentication


ofType @ p12 NSData PKCS12Data NSData alloc initWithContentsOfFile thePath CFDataRef inPKCS12Data CFDataRef PKCS12Data SecIdentityRef identity SecTrustRef trust extractIdentityAndTrust inPKCS12Data identity trust SecCertificateRef certificate NULL SecIdentityCopyCertificate..