

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:41

iphone Programming Glossary: secondviewcontroller.h

Passing NSMutableArray from Modal View Controller to Parent View


Modal View controller back to the view controller I came from. This is my current method FirstViewController.h #import SecondViewController.h @property strong nonatomic IBOutlet NSMutableArray passedRecipientsArray FirstViewController.m @synthesize passedRecipientsArray.. secondViewController SecondViewController nav.topViewController secondViewController.emailContact @ TRUE SecondViewController.h @property strong nonatomic IBOutlet NSMutableArray selectedContactsArray SecondViewController.m @synthesize passedRecipientsArray.. instance instead of writing FirstViewController firstViewController FirstViewController alloc init Example SecondViewController.h #import FirstViewController.h FirstViewController firstViewController @property strong nonatomic IBOutlet NSMutableArray..

Pass NSMutableArray to one view controller to another


SecondViewController bundle nil secondView.SongArray self.SongArray self.navigationController secondView animated YES SecondViewController.h @interface SecondViewController UIViewController NSMutableArray SongArray @property nonatomic retain NSMutableArray SongArray..

Using Cocoa Touch Tutorial: Extract Address Book Address Values on iPhone OS


Touch Tutorial Extract Address Book Address Values on iPhone OS Here's the code #import RootViewController.h #import SecondViewController.h #import ThirdViewController.h #import FourthViewController.h @implementation ThirdViewController @synthesize fourthViewController..

TabBar Support of Three20 iPhone Photo Gallery


Three20PhotoGalleryAppDelegate.h #import UIKit UIKit.h #import CoreData CoreData.h #import AlbumController.h #import SecondViewController.h #import FirstViewController.h @class TabBarAppViewController @class AlbumController @class SecondViewController @class FirstViewController.. with my Three20PhotoGalleryAppDelegate.m #import Three20PhotoGalleryAppDelegate.h #import AlbumController.h #import SecondViewController.h #import FirstViewController.h #import Three20 Three20.h @implementation Three20PhotoGalleryAppDelegate @synthesize window..

dismissModalViewController AND pass data back


myDelegate In your firstViewController's header file subscribe to the SecondDelegate protocol by doing this #import SecondViewController.h @interface FirstViewController UIViewController SecondDelegate Now when you instantiate secondViewController in firstViewController..

How to send the text from textfield to another class?


your second class is SecondViewController . Now in SecondViewController declare one NSString and set its properties. SecondViewController.h NSString strTextValue .... @property nonatomic retain NSString strTextValue SecondViewController.m @synthesize strTextValue..

Setting label text in another class


@ Some String push it or whatever self.navigaitonController pushViewController vc animated YES vc release In your SecondViewController.h @interface SecondViewController UIViewController UILabel myLabel NSString myString @property nonatomic retain UILabel myLabel..