

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:41

iphone Programming Glossary: sectioninfo

Setting a different section for each month with fetchedresultcontroller


is @ titleString return titleString For my number of rowsInSection I do this. id NSFetchedResultsSectionInfo sectionInfo self.fetchedResultsController sections objectAtIndex section NSInteger count sectionInfo numberOfObjects return count And.. NSFetchedResultsSectionInfo sectionInfo self.fetchedResultsController sections objectAtIndex section NSInteger count sectionInfo numberOfObjects return count And this for my NumberOfSectionsInTableview NSInteger count self.fetchedResultsController sections..

Core Data backed UITableView with indexing


newIndexPath void controller NSFetchedResultsController controller didChangeSection id NSFetchedResultsSectionInfo sectionInfo atIndex NSUInteger sectionIndex forChangeType NSFetchedResultsChangeType type void controllerDidChangeContent NSFetchedResultsController.. this NSString tableView UITableView tableView titleForHeaderInSection NSInteger section id NSFetchedResultsSectionInfo sectionInfo fetchedResultsController sections objectAtIndex section return sectionInfo name And the section indexes are here id NSFetchedResultsSectionInfo.. section id NSFetchedResultsSectionInfo sectionInfo fetchedResultsController sections objectAtIndex section return sectionInfo name And the section indexes are here id NSFetchedResultsSectionInfo sectionInfo fetchedResultsController sections objectAtIndex..

How to use the first character as a section name


index NSInteger tableView UITableView tableView numberOfRowsInSection NSInteger section id NSFetchedResultsSectionInfo sectionInfo fetchedResultsController sections objectAtIndex section return sectionInfo numberOfObjects Don't implement this since each.. section id NSFetchedResultsSectionInfo sectionInfo fetchedResultsController sections objectAtIndex section return sectionInfo numberOfObjects Don't implement this since each name is its own section NSString tableView UITableView tableView titleForHeaderInSection.. NSString tableView UITableView tableView titleForHeaderInSection NSInteger section id NSFetchedResultsSectionInfo sectionInfo fetchedResultsController sections objectAtIndex section return sectionInfo name UPDATE 2 For the new 'uppercaseFirstLetterOfName'..

How to filter NSFetchedResultsController (CoreData) with UISearchDisplayController/UISearchBar


tableView NSArray sections fetchController.sections if sections.count 0 id NSFetchedResultsSectionInfo sectionInfo sections objectAtIndex section numberOfRows sectionInfo numberOfObjects return numberOfRows Delegate methods for the search.. if sections.count 0 id NSFetchedResultsSectionInfo sectionInfo sections objectAtIndex section numberOfRows sectionInfo numberOfObjects return numberOfRows Delegate methods for the search bar #pragma mark #pragma mark Content Filtering void.. beginUpdates void controller NSFetchedResultsController controller didChangeSection id NSFetchedResultsSectionInfo sectionInfo atIndex NSUInteger sectionIndex forChangeType NSFetchedResultsChangeType type UITableView tableView controller self.fetchedResultsController..

How to list only online users on facebook with xmpp framework


NSArray sections self fetchedResultsController sections if sectionIndex sections count id NSFetchedResultsSectionInfo sectionInfo sections objectAtIndex sectionIndex int section sectionInfo.name intValue switch section case 0 return @ Available case.. sections count id NSFetchedResultsSectionInfo sectionInfo sections objectAtIndex sectionIndex int section sectionInfo.name intValue switch section case 0 return @ Available case 1 return @ Away default return @ Offline return @ NSInteger.. NSArray sections self fetchedResultsController sections if sectionIndex sections count id NSFetchedResultsSectionInfo sectionInfo sections objectAtIndex sectionIndex return sectionInfo.numberOfObjects NSLog @ section ifnfo @ sectionInfo return 0 UITableViewCell..

CoreData error driving me crazy… CoreData: Serious application error. An exception caught from delegate of NSFetchedResultsController


break void controller NSFetchedResultsController controller didChangeSection id NSFetchedResultsSectionInfo sectionInfo atIndex NSUInteger sectionIndex forChangeType NSFetchedResultsChangeType type NSLog @ Entering s Line d __PRETTY_FUNCTION__.. reloadData void controller NSFetchedResultsController controller didChangeSection id NSFetchedResultsSectionInfo sectionInfo atIndex NSUInteger sectionIndex forChangeType NSFetchedResultsChangeType type NSLog @ Entering s Line d __PRETTY_FUNCTION__..