

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:42

iphone Programming Glossary: seeking

Double-tap or two single-taps?


You can detect any number of tap by the tap gesture. No need of playing with NSTouches either. For all the user seeking for the solution here it is. These simple lines of code does the duty of single and double tap functionality. UITapGestureRecognizer..

Core Data Migration Across Multiple Version Upgrades


for any assistance. I am loving Core Data. But it sometimes makes my head spin and I get confused which is why I am seeking some sage wisdom. iphone cocoa core data migration mapping model share improve this question The initial posting was..

Advice on speeding up OpenGL ES 1.1 on the iPhone


I suppose this might have something to do with scaling the texture coordinates from GL_TEXTURE Matrix Mode. I'm still seeking additional improvements. I'd like to get closer to 40 FPS as that's what my iPod Touch gets and it's silky smooth there...

Cache URL images iphone UITableview


URL images iphone UITableview I'm seeking a tutorial on how to cache images loaded from a url into cells of a uitableview. I found an example here http www.ericd.net..

How do I hide iAd banners when no ads are being served?


withs is what to do with that code when I've tried putting it in it just throws out several red errors so I come seeking advice anyone able to help me out here EDIT Main viewcontroller Code as requested by a poster MainViewController.m GBSoundboard4..

AVPlayer vs. AVAudioPlayer


How to get audio volume level, and volume changed notifications on iOS 4?


it when the device's audio volume is zero. And subsequently reenable it when the volume is cranked up again. I am seeking a working and AppStore safe way to detect the current volume setting and get a notification callback when the volume level..

iPhone Unzip code


Jumping from iOS to OSX


just try to port all your stuff over to the Mac without thinking about design principles. A lot of developers are seeking to get on the Mac developer bandwagon without putting time into their apps. Simply moving apps from iOS to Mac doesn't bring..

Crash when adding persistent store (iCloud enabled) in app delegate


when adding persistent store iCloud enabled in app delegate I am going to start updating this to help those seeking to use this as reference for their own personal code. Newest update I'm fairly sure I have found a way to resync devices..

Iphone App store - Verifying paid customer


would be included in the initial purchase price. This would be dependant on being able to verify that the person seeking to register for the credit could be verified as a paid up buyer of the application. Is there currently any way to tie a..