

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:43

iphone Programming Glossary: segues

memory not releasing with ARC and storyboard in iOS 5.1


to pop back multiple levels you would use popToViewController or popToRootViewControllerAnimated . Or if you use modal segues you would dismiss the modal with dismissViewControllerAnimated . If I've misunderstood what you mean't by custom segue to..

ViewController addSubview


golOlur animated YES Or if you're using storyboards then again if you were using storyboards you'd probably be using segues and wouldn't need any of this but just for the sake of completeness GolOlurActionViewController golOlur self.storyboard..

How to pass data from one View to other view in IOS using UIStoryboard segues?


to pass data from one View to other view in IOS using UIStoryboard segues I am using Xcode 4.3.1 . I have created the UI using Storyboard which has many View Controllers. Issue In my app i am using..

viewDidLoad is in fact called every time there is a segue transition


put together a simple test to highlight this https github.com imuz ViewDidLoadTest It seems for navigation controller segues and modal views viewDidLoad is always called. The only time it is not called is when switching between tabs. Every explanation..

Xcode 4.5 Storyboard 'Exit'


there's no documentation for this so far except a brief mention on XCode 4.5 new features list that states Unwind segues can allow transitioning to existing instances of scenes in a storyboard The good news is that there is a session from WWDC.. the WWDC 2012 videos page and watch Adopting Storyboard in your App it's fifth from the top The discussion of unwind segues starts at time 37 20. Update Here is some more info on the subject from Apple's documentation A placeholder object named..

How to make button in child view to update information in its parent view?


. Let's say that the first view is ViewA and it's the initial view when the app is launched. Then ViewA segues to ViewB which is the other view. There is a UIButton A and a UILabel A on ViewA and the UIButton A segues to ViewB i.e... Then ViewA segues to ViewB which is the other view. There is a UIButton A and a UILabel A on ViewA and the UIButton A segues to ViewB i.e. when pressing the button the user is shown ViewB. In ViewB there is also a UIButton B that when pressed can..

How pass data in seque ios5 storyboard uitableview to detail view


lack of experience with iOS5 . It turns out that is an example app with the iOS5 SDK which has a table view that uses segues when a table cell is tapped Simple Drill Down . http developer.apple.com library ios #samplecode SimpleDrillDown Introduction..

Xcode 4.2 Tabbed Application - Adding New Tab view


view controllers to your project and then control drag from the tab bar controller to the view controllers to make segues to them. Make sure you select Relationship viewControllers when the list pops up. Tabs will automatically be added. share..

What is the difference between a .xib file and a .storyboard?


is essentially one single file for all your screens in the app and it shows the flow of the screens. You can add segues transitions between screens this way. So this minimizes the boilerplate code required to manage multiple screens. Minimizes..

MKMapView annotations changing/losing order?


with annotations and these annotations display a callout. When the callout's disclosure detail button is clicked it segues into a new view. My MKAnnotations are a custom class that implements MKAnnotation . Let's call that class MyClass. They..