

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:44

iphone Programming Glossary: selectedrowindex.row

Access UITableView cell and swipe between them from DetailView using XCode 4


detailViewController segue destinationViewController detailViewController.selectedObject sortedObjects objectAtIndex selectedRowIndex.row @end Then the DetailViewController recieves the selected object to populate the Labels and ImageViews with the data from.. detailViewController segue destinationViewController detailViewController.selectedObject sortedObjects objectAtIndex selectedRowIndex.row added code detailViewController.detailsDataSource NSArray alloc initWithArray sortedObjects detailViewController.detailIndex.. code detailViewController.detailsDataSource NSArray alloc initWithArray sortedObjects detailViewController.detailIndex selectedRowIndex.row Then you could reload the UI elements of the DetailViewController. Here is the declaration of the new properties. DetailViewController.h..

Accordion table cell - How to dynamically expand/contract uitableviewcell?


heightForRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath check if the index actually exists if selectedRowIndex indexPath.row selectedRowIndex.row return 100 return 44 This will return height 100 for the selected cell. Now we can go back to the begin end updates. That..

How pass data in seque ios5 storyboard uitableview to detail view


How to pass object on modal view's dismissal


NSLog as null. How I present the model VC NSString selectedRow self.exerciseArray objectAtIndex selectedRowIndex.row objectForKey @ exerciseName UINavigationController nav self.parentViewController.navigationController RoutineDayTableViewController.. didSelectSpecificExerciseWithURL NSURL selectedExerciseURL self.exerciseArray objectAtIndex selectedRowIndex.row objectForKey @ exerciseName self.delegate specificExerciseTableViewController self didSelectSpecificExerciseWithURL selectedExerciseURL..