

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:43

iphone Programming Glossary: sel

How can I upload a photo to a server with the iPhone?


question Header @interface EPUploader NSObject NSURL serverURL NSString filePath id delegate SEL doneSelector SEL errorSelector BOOL uploadDidSucceed id initWithURL NSURL serverURL filePath NSString.. @interface EPUploader NSObject NSURL serverURL NSString filePath id delegate SEL doneSelector SEL errorSelector BOOL uploadDidSucceed id initWithURL NSURL serverURL filePath NSString filePath delegate.. id initWithURL NSURL serverURL filePath NSString filePath delegate id delegate doneSelector SEL doneSelector errorSelector SEL errorSelector NSString filePath @end Main #import EPUploader.h #import..

Arguments in @selector


An NSInvocation allows you to set the target the selector and the arguments that you pass in SEL selector @selector myMethod setValue2 NSMethodSignature signature MyObject instanceMethodSignatureForSelector..

How to save picture to iPhone photo library?


You can use this function UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum UIImage image id completionTarget SEL completionSelector void contextInfo You only need completionTarget completionSelector and contextInfo..

performSelector may cause a leak because its selector is unknown


It's very rare that this warning should simply be ignored and it's easy to work around. Here's how SEL selector NSSelectorFromString @ someMethod IMP imp _controller methodForSelector selector void func.. NSSelectorFromString @ someMethod IMP imp _controller methodForSelector selector void func id SEL void imp func _controller selector Or more tersely though hard to read SEL selector NSSelectorFromString.. selector void func id SEL void imp func _controller selector Or more tersely though hard to read SEL selector NSSelectorFromString @ someMethod void id SEL _controller methodForSelector selector _controller..

How can I upload a photo to a server with the iPhone?


iphone cocoa touch cocoa networking share improve this question Header @interface EPUploader NSObject NSURL serverURL NSString filePath id delegate SEL doneSelector SEL errorSelector BOOL uploadDidSucceed id initWithURL NSURL serverURL filePath NSString filePath delegate id delegate doneSelector SEL doneSelector.. touch cocoa networking share improve this question Header @interface EPUploader NSObject NSURL serverURL NSString filePath id delegate SEL doneSelector SEL errorSelector BOOL uploadDidSucceed id initWithURL NSURL serverURL filePath NSString filePath delegate id delegate doneSelector SEL doneSelector errorSelector SEL.. delegate SEL doneSelector SEL errorSelector BOOL uploadDidSucceed id initWithURL NSURL serverURL filePath NSString filePath delegate id delegate doneSelector SEL doneSelector errorSelector SEL errorSelector NSString filePath @end Main #import EPUploader.h #import zlib.h static NSString const BOUNDRY @ 0xKhTmLbOuNdArY static..

Arguments in @selector


format of the method being void timerFireMethod NSTimer theTimer An NSInvocation allows you to set the target the selector and the arguments that you pass in SEL selector @selector myMethod setValue2 NSMethodSignature signature MyObject instanceMethodSignatureForSelector selector NSInvocation invocation NSInvocation invocationWithMethodSignature..

How to save picture to iPhone photo library?


iPhone iphone cocoa touch camera share improve this question You can use this function UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum UIImage image id completionTarget SEL completionSelector void contextInfo You only need completionTarget completionSelector and contextInfo if you want to be notified when the image is done saving otherwise..

performSelector may cause a leak because its selector is unknown


Solution The compiler is warning about this for a reason. It's very rare that this warning should simply be ignored and it's easy to work around. Here's how SEL selector NSSelectorFromString @ someMethod IMP imp _controller methodForSelector selector void func id SEL void imp func _controller selector Or more tersely though.. be ignored and it's easy to work around. Here's how SEL selector NSSelectorFromString @ someMethod IMP imp _controller methodForSelector selector void func id SEL void imp func _controller selector Or more tersely though hard to read SEL selector NSSelectorFromString @ someMethod void id SEL _controller methodForSelector.. @ someMethod IMP imp _controller methodForSelector selector void func id SEL void imp func _controller selector Or more tersely though hard to read SEL selector NSSelectorFromString @ someMethod void id SEL _controller methodForSelector selector _controller selector Explanation What's going on here is you're asking..

How can I upload a photo to a server with the iPhone?


share improve this question Header @interface EPUploader NSObject NSURL serverURL NSString filePath id delegate SEL doneSelector SEL errorSelector BOOL uploadDidSucceed id initWithURL NSURL serverURL filePath NSString filePath delegate.. this question Header @interface EPUploader NSObject NSURL serverURL NSString filePath id delegate SEL doneSelector SEL errorSelector BOOL uploadDidSucceed id initWithURL NSURL serverURL filePath NSString filePath delegate id delegate doneSelector.. BOOL uploadDidSucceed id initWithURL NSURL serverURL filePath NSString filePath delegate id delegate doneSelector SEL doneSelector errorSelector SEL errorSelector NSString filePath @end Main #import EPUploader.h #import zlib.h static NSString..

Arguments in @selector


NSTimer theTimer An NSInvocation allows you to set the target the selector and the arguments that you pass in SEL selector @selector myMethod setValue2 NSMethodSignature signature MyObject instanceMethodSignatureForSelector selector NSInvocation..

Method Swizzle on iPhone device


implementation at the bottom of that page #import objc runtime.h #import objc message.h .... void Swizzle Class c SEL orig SEL new Method origMethod class_getInstanceMethod c orig Method newMethod class_getInstanceMethod c new if class_addMethod.. at the bottom of that page #import objc runtime.h #import objc message.h .... void Swizzle Class c SEL orig SEL new Method origMethod class_getInstanceMethod c orig Method newMethod class_getInstanceMethod c new if class_addMethod c..

How to save picture to iPhone photo library?


improve this question You can use this function UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum UIImage image id completionTarget SEL completionSelector void contextInfo You only need completionTarget completionSelector and contextInfo if you want to be..

SEL performSelector and arguments


performSelector and arguments It seems like there should be an easy way to call a selector with some arguments when all.. and arguments It seems like there should be an easy way to call a selector with some arguments when all you have is a SEL object. I can't seem to find the correct syntax. MyClass init SEL sel owner NSObject parent int i 10 parent performSelector.. selector with some arguments when all you have is a SEL object. I can't seem to find the correct syntax. MyClass init SEL sel owner NSObject parent int i 10 parent performSelector sel i iphone objective c selectors share improve this question..

performSelector may cause a leak because its selector is unknown


this for a reason. It's very rare that this warning should simply be ignored and it's easy to work around. Here's how SEL selector NSSelectorFromString @ someMethod IMP imp _controller methodForSelector selector void func id SEL void imp func.. Here's how SEL selector NSSelectorFromString @ someMethod IMP imp _controller methodForSelector selector void func id SEL void imp func _controller selector Or more tersely though hard to read SEL selector NSSelectorFromString @ someMethod void.. methodForSelector selector void func id SEL void imp func _controller selector Or more tersely though hard to read SEL selector NSSelectorFromString @ someMethod void id SEL _controller methodForSelector selector _controller selector Explanation..

SEL performSelector and arguments


performSelector and arguments It seems like there should be an easy way to call a selector with some arguments when all you have is a SEL object. I can't seem to find the correct syntax. MyClass init SEL sel.. with some arguments when all you have is a SEL object. I can't seem to find the correct syntax. MyClass init SEL sel owner NSObject parent int i 10 parent performSelector sel i iphone objective c selectors share improve this question.. I can't seem to find the correct syntax. MyClass init SEL sel owner NSObject parent int i 10 parent performSelector sel i iphone objective c selectors share improve this question Take a look at the NSObject documentation. In this case..

apply style to range of text with javascript in uiwebview


it doesn't work in recent versions of Firefox but could be made to do so trivially. The following will surround each selected text node with a span element with a class of someclass and also a unique class to allow easy undoing. applyClassToSelection.. returns this unique class pass this class into removeSpansWithClass to remove the spans. UPDATE Fixed problem when selection is entirely contained within a single text node UPDATE 2 Now tested and works in iPhone running OS 3.0. UPDATE 3 Added.. return range.intersectsNode node function range node var nodeRange node.ownerDocument.createRange try nodeRange.selectNode node catch e nodeRange.selectNodeContents node return range.compareBoundaryPoints Range.END_TO_START nodeRange..

Dynamic UIMenuItems with @selector and dynamic methods


UIMenuItems with @selector and dynamic methods I am trying to use UIMenuController for a dynamical menu titles and actions come from a server.. and actions come from a server . The problem is that I have to use UIMenuItems initWithTitle action where action is a @selector. I can use @selector dispatch but then I am not able to distinguish which of the items the user pressed. void dispatch.. a server . The problem is that I have to use UIMenuItems initWithTitle action where action is a @selector. I can use @selector dispatch but then I am not able to distinguish which of the items the user pressed. void dispatch id sender NSLog @..

How to parse Google weather API using NSXML?


setHTTPMethod @ POST NSURLConnection theConnection NSURLConnection alloc initWithRequest theRequest delegate self if theConnection webData NSMutableData data retain NSLog @ connection established else NSLog @ theConnection is NULL void.. @ theXML theXML release if parser parser release parser NSXMLParser alloc initWithData webData parser setDelegate self parser setShouldResolveExternalEntities YES parser parse connection release webData release iphone xml google weather.. you no need to establish connection just use this method id initWithURL NSURL url arrayRootObjectTags NSArray arrTags sel SEL seletor andHandler NSObject handler if self super init self.mainArray arrTags self.MainHandler handler self.targetSelector..