

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:45

iphone Programming Glossary: self.allbookmarks

table reloadData not working


NSIndexPath indexPath self.table beginUpdates if editingStyle UITableViewCellEditingStyleDelete Hadits delHadit self.allBookMarks objectAtIndex indexPath.row dbAccess dbmethods dbAccess alloc init NSInteger delHaditid delHadit.haditid dbmethods deleteBookMark.. working reload data... table endUpdates iphone ipad iphone sdk 3.0 share improve this question Include this line self.allBookMarks removeObjectAtIndex indexPath.row EDIT The problem is not with reloadData the problem is that you are not updating your.. indexPath.row EDIT The problem is not with reloadData the problem is that you are not updating your datasource self.allBookMarks . Update the values into self.allBookMarks then reload the table. Edited Code void tableView UITableView tableView commitEditingStyle..