

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:47

iphone Programming Glossary: self.bounds.origin.x

How to programmatically add a UINavigationBar and a back button on it


self.font.leading CGFloat baselineOffset 6.0f for int x 0 x numberOfLines x CGContextMoveToPoint context self.bounds.origin.x self.font.leading x 0.5f baselineOffset CGContextAddLineToPoint context self.bounds.size.width self.font.leading x 0.5f..

UITableView: scrolling programmatically the content view


event UITouch touch touches anyObject CGPoint tPoint touch locationInView self NSLog @ MOVTB NSLog @ BOUNDZ f f f f self.bounds.origin.x self.bounds.origin.y self.bounds.size.height self.bounds.size.width NSLog @ CONTENT SIZE f f self.contentSize.height self.contentSize.width..

Where is build output going?


UIPinchGestureRecognizer Scale view in different x and y directions


middle to my finger float width x 2 if width 1 width 1 float height y 2 if height 1 height 1 self.bounds CGRectMake self.bounds.origin.x self.bounds.origin.y width height gestureRecognizer setScale 1 self layer setBorderWidth 2.f does anyone know a way to make.. to my finger float width x 2 xDis if width 1 width 1 float height y 2 yDis if height 1 height 1 self.bounds CGRectMake self.bounds.origin.x self.bounds.origin.y width height gestureRecognizer setScale 1 self layer setBorderWidth 2.f added xDif and yDif with the..

UITextView ruled line background but wrong line height


each line for int x 0 x numberOfLines x 0.5f offset lines up line with pixel boundary CGContextMoveToPoint context self.bounds.origin.x self.font.leading x 0.5f baselineOffset CGContextAddLineToPoint context self.bounds.size.width self.font.leading x 0.5f..