

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:48

iphone Programming Glossary: self.contentsize.height

How to programmatically add a UINavigationBar and a back button on it


blue 0.0f alpha 0.2f .CGColor CGContextSetLineWidth context 1.0f CGContextBeginPath context NSUInteger numberOfLines self.contentSize.height self.bounds.size.height self.font.leading CGFloat baselineOffset 6.0f for int x 0 x numberOfLines x CGContextMoveToPoint..

UITableView: scrolling programmatically the content view


f f self.bounds.origin.x self.bounds.origin.y self.bounds.size.height self.bounds.size.width NSLog @ CONTENT SIZE f f self.contentSize.height self.contentSize.width CGRect rc self bounds NSLog @ f f rc.size.height rc.size.width CGRect newRect CGRectMake rc.origin.x.. CGRect rc self bounds NSLog @ f f rc.size.height rc.size.width CGRect newRect CGRectMake rc.origin.x rc.origin.y self.contentSize.height self.contentSize.width fabs tPoint.y previousYPan NSLog @ BOND RECT f f f f rc.origin.x rc.origin.y rc.size.height rc.size.width..

Keep uitableview static when inserting rows at the top


view during its initial loading of content. if CGSizeEqualToSize self.contentSize CGSizeZero if contentSize.height self.contentSize.height CGPoint offset self.contentOffset offset.y contentSize.height self.contentSize.height self.contentOffset offset super..

UITextView ruled line background but wrong line height


of lines in our textView add a bit more height to draw lines in the empty part of the view NSUInteger numberOfLines self.contentSize.height self.bounds.size.height self.font.leading Set the line offset from the baseline. I'm sure there's a concrete way to calculate..

Unwanted scrolling when animating zoomScale in UIScrollView


CGPoint newAnchor CGPoint currentAnchor CGPointMake self.anchorPoint.x self.contentSize.width self.anchorPoint.y self.contentSize.height CGPoint offset CGPointMake 1 self.scale currentAnchor.x newAnchor.x 1 self.scale currentAnchor.y newAnchor.y self.anchorPoint..