

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:48

iphone Programming Glossary: self.editing

How to add extra cells in a UITableView in editing mode?


call to 'insertSections' above crashes all my table delegates take into account the 1 or 2 sections well depending on self.editing I tried showing both sections in normal mode and it works fine For 'numberOfSectionsInTableView' I have NSInteger numberOfSectionsInTableView.. it works fine For 'numberOfSectionsInTableView' I have NSInteger numberOfSectionsInTableView UITableView tableView if self.editing return 1 return 2 iphone objective c cocoa touch uitableview share improve this question Where did you enter the editing..

delete in tableView


file IBAction DeleteButtonAction id sender tableList removeLastObject Table reloadData IBAction EditTable id sender if self.editing super setEditing NO animated NO Table setEditing NO animated NO Table reloadData self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem setTitle.. is IBAction DeleteButtonAction id sender tableList removeLastObject Table reloadData IBAction EditTable id sender if self.editing super setEditing NO animated NO Table setEditing NO animated NO Table reloadData self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem setTitle..

How to disable slide to delete for a UITableView


select multiple rows from uitableview and delete


required for correct operation. void tableView UITableView tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath if self.editing return self.myTableView deselectRowAtIndexPath indexPath animated YES NSNumber rowNsNum NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt indexPath.row..

How can I change the amount of indentation on my custom UITableViewCell while editing?


0 self.contentView.frame.origin.y self.contentView.frame.size.width self.contentView.frame.size.height if self.editing state UITableViewCellStateShowingEditControlMask state UITableViewCellStateShowingDeleteConfirmationMask state UITableViewCellStateShowingEditControlMask..

Animating custom-drawn UITableViewCell when entering edit mode


b.size.height 1 leave room for the separator line b.size.width 30 allow extra width to slide for editing b.origin.x self.editing 0 30 start 30px left unless editing contentView setFrame b super layoutSubviews By doing it this way I was able to remove..

Add cell to bottom of UITableView in iOS


numberOfRowsInSection NSInteger tableView UITableView tableView numberOfRowsInSection NSInteger section return self.editing a_recs.count 1 a_recs.count a_recs here is the array I've setup to store our records so you'll have to switch that out with..