

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:49

iphone Programming Glossary: self.navigationitem.backbarbuttonitem

Setting a UIImage to a UIBarButton item


backButton UIBarButtonItem alloc initWithTitle @ Back style UIBarButtonItemStylePlain target nil action nil self.navigationItem.backBarButtonItem backButton backButton release this code adds an image but it crashes when touched because of an incompatible pointer types.. CGRectMake 0 0 44 44 button addTarget self action @selector showInfo forControlEvents UIControlEventTouchUpInside self.navigationItem.backBarButtonItem button button setBackgroundImage imgIcon forState UIControlStateNormal self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem UIBarButtonItem..

How to get a uinavigation bar back button to return to anthother view controller


it to jump back 2 places instead of the default one. This is unconventional I'm sure but I just need to do it for now. self.navigationItem.backBarButtonItem UIBarButtonItem alloc initWithTitle @ Back style UIBarButtonItemStyleBordered target nil action nil autorelease thanks.. autorelease thanks for any help. iphone objective c ios uinavigationcontroller share improve this question Set self.navigationItem.backBarButtonItem UIBarButtonItem alloc initWithTitle @ Back style UIBarButtonItemStyleBordered target self action @selector goBack autorelease..

Stopping the self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem from exiting a view [duplicate]


alloc initWithTitle @ Servers style UIBarButtonItemStylePlain target self action @selector home self.navigationItem.backBarButtonItem backButton As soon as I set it through the leftBarButtonItem on the navigationItem it calls my action however then the button..

Setting action for back button in navigation controller


alloc initWithTitle @ Servers style UIBarButtonItemStylePlain target self action @selector home self.navigationItem.backBarButtonItem backButton As soon as I set it through the leftBarButtonItem on the navigationItem it calls my action however then the button..

UINavigationController “back button” custom text?


is there a way to have custom text in the back button instead iphone share improve this question From this link self.navigationItem.backBarButtonItem UIBarButtonItem alloc initWithTitle @ Custom Title style UIBarButtonItemStyleBordered target nil action nil autorelease..

How to trap the back button event


alloc initWithTitle @ Pages style UIBarButtonItemStyleBordered target self action @selector handleBack self.navigationItem.backBarButtonItem backButton backButton release self.navigationController pushViewController controller animated animated controller release..

How to tell when back button is pressed in a UINavigationControllerStack


to check when the back button is pressed in a UINavigationController stack I've tried adding a action and target to self.navigationItem.backBarButtonItem to no avail. Anyone have any solutions iphone objective c uinavigationcontroller share improve this question You can..

Adding back button to navigation bar


_backButton UIBarButtonItem alloc initWithTitle @ Back style UIBarButtonItemStyleDone target nil action nil self.navigationItem.backBarButtonItem _backButton _backButton release _backButton nil _myViewController release _myViewController nil If you're not using a navigation..

Intercept back button on uinavigationcontroller? [duplicate]


alloc initWithTitle @ Servers style UIBarButtonItemStylePlain target self action @selector home self.navigationItem.backBarButtonItem backButton As soon as I set it through the leftBarButtonItem on the navigationItem it calls my action however then the button..

How do you change color/image on the default backBarButtonItem?


do you change color image on the default backBarButtonItem I need to change color on the default self.navigationItem.backBarButtonItem . To accomplish this I´ve created an custom Button class and implemented it like this void viewDidLoad super viewDidLoad.. temporaryBarButtonItem UIBarButtonItem alloc initWithCustomView blueSaveButton temporaryBarButtonItem.title @ Tillbaka self.navigationItem.backBarButtonItem temporaryBarButtonItem temporaryBarButtonItem release blueSaveButton release self gotoLocation But this has no effect at..

self.navigationItem.backBarButtonItem not working ?? Why is the previous menu still showing as the button?


not working Why is the previous menu still showing as the button Trying to customize my back button in a drilldown navigation.. I click the add button it drills down into the new view. Inside the viewDidLoad method of MyAddViewController.m I have self.navigationItem.backBarButtonItem UIBarButtonItem alloc initWithTitle @ Back style UIBarButtonItemStylePlain target nil action nil autorelease But this isn't..

Grouped Table View Obj-C


release UIBarButtonItem temporaryBarButtonItem UIBarButtonItem alloc init temporaryBarButtonItem.title @ Back self.navigationItem.backBarButtonItem temporaryBarButtonItem temporaryBarButtonItem release self.title @ Basic Navigation void didReceiveMemoryWarning super didReceiveMemoryWarning..

custom back button on navigation bar


original label of back button it shows title of previous view with custon Back but what ever I tryid didn't work self.navigationItem.backBarButtonItem setTitle @ Back title didn't changed self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem setAction self.navigationItem.backBarButtonItem.action.. setTitle @ Back title didn't changed self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem setAction self.navigationItem.backBarButtonItem.action action didn't seted no responce from button button didn't da anything and I need the back button to have style like..

How to change text on a back button


self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem.title @ Back Thanks. iphone cocoa touch share improve this question Try self.navigationItem.backBarButtonItem UIBarButtonItem alloc initWithTitle @ Back style UIBarButtonItemStylePlain target nil action nil autorelease I found that..