

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:50

iphone Programming Glossary: self.scale

images from documents asynchronous


context CGContextRelease context UIImage decompressedImage UIImage alloc initWithCGImage decompressedImageRef scale self.scale orientation self.imageOrientation CGImageRelease decompressedImageRef return decompressedImage @end The sample code provided..

iPhone - How do you color an image?


CGFloat imageScale 1.0f if self respondsToSelector @selector scale The scale property is new with iOS4. imageScale self.scale UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions self.size NO imageScale else UIGraphicsBeginImageContext self.size self drawInRect..

Extract a part of UIImageView


method @implementation UIImage Crop UIImage cropFromRect CGRect fromRect fromRect CGRectMake fromRect.origin.x self.scale fromRect.origin.y self.scale fromRect.size.width self.scale fromRect.size.height self.scale CGImageRef imageRef CGImageCreateWithImageInRect.. UIImage Crop UIImage cropFromRect CGRect fromRect fromRect CGRectMake fromRect.origin.x self.scale fromRect.origin.y self.scale fromRect.size.width self.scale fromRect.size.height self.scale CGImageRef imageRef CGImageCreateWithImageInRect self.CGImage.. CGRect fromRect fromRect CGRectMake fromRect.origin.x self.scale fromRect.origin.y self.scale fromRect.size.width self.scale fromRect.size.height self.scale CGImageRef imageRef CGImageCreateWithImageInRect self.CGImage fromRect UIImage crop UIImage..

Blur an image of specific part (rectangular, circular)?


0.1216216216 0.0540540541 0.0162162162 Blur horizontally UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions self.size NO self.scale self drawInRect CGRectMake 0 0 self.size.width self.size.height blendMode kCGBlendModeNormal alpha weight 0 for int x 1.. UIGraphicsEndImageContext Blur vertically UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions self.size NO self.scale horizBlurredImage drawInRect CGRectMake 0 0 self.size.width self.size.height blendMode kCGBlendModeNormal alpha weight 0..

How use CGImageCreateWithImageInRect for iPhone 4 (HD)?


apple_ref occ clm UIImage imageWithCGImage scale orientation Change it to UIImage imageWithCGImage image scale self.scale orientation self. imageOrientation and it should work just fine. this is assuming this is a category on UIImage which it..

Unwanted scrolling when animating zoomScale in UIScrollView


self.anchorPoint.x self.contentSize.width self.anchorPoint.y self.contentSize.height CGPoint offset CGPointMake 1 self.scale currentAnchor.x newAnchor.x 1 self.scale currentAnchor.y newAnchor.y self.anchorPoint CGPointMake newAnchor.x self.contentSize.width.. self.anchorPoint.y self.contentSize.height CGPoint offset CGPointMake 1 self.scale currentAnchor.x newAnchor.x 1 self.scale currentAnchor.y newAnchor.y self.anchorPoint CGPointMake newAnchor.x self.contentSize.width newAnchor.y self.contentSize.height..

How can I tint a UIImage with gradient?


reusable using UIImage's category . Here is it UIImage tintedWithLinearGradientColors NSArray colorsArr CGFloat scale self.scale UIGraphicsBeginImageContext CGSizeMake self.size.width scale self.size.height scale CGContextRef context UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext..