

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:51

iphone Programming Glossary: self.selectedindexpaths

how to increase the label and cell size on clicking on a button on a cell


of the cell CGFloat tableView UITableView tableView heightForRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath BOOL isSelected self.selectedIndexPaths containsObject indexPath CGFloat maxHeight MAXFLOAT CGFloat minHeight 40.0f CGFloat constrainHeight isSelected maxHeight.. mainBundle loadNibNamed NSStringFromClass SMTableViewCell class owner nil options nil lastObject BOOL isSelected self.selectedIndexPaths containsObject indexPath cell.statusLabel.numberOfLines isSelected 0 2 NSString text self.items indexPath.row cell.statusLabel.text.. inSection 0 self addOrRemoveSelectedIndexPath indexPath void addOrRemoveSelectedIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath if self.selectedIndexPaths self.selectedIndexPaths NSMutableArray new BOOL containsIndexPath self.selectedIndexPaths containsObject indexPath if containsIndexPath..

iPhone: How to allow multiple selection in tabelview for a custom cell?


remove indexPaths to this array. void tableView UITableView tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath if self.selectedIndexPaths containsObject indexPath self.selectedIndexPaths addObject indexPath else self.selectedIndexPaths removeObject indexPath.. tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath if self.selectedIndexPaths containsObject indexPath self.selectedIndexPaths addObject indexPath else self.selectedIndexPaths removeObject indexPath Use selectedIndexPaths later to do whatever you..