

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:51

iphone Programming Glossary: self.viewcontroller

How do I read data using CocoaAsyncSocket?


alloc initWithFrame UIScreen mainScreen bounds autorelease Override point for customization after application launch. self.viewController tekMatrixViewController alloc initWithNibName @ tekMatrixViewController bundle nil autorelease self.window.rootViewController.. alloc initWithNibName @ tekMatrixViewController bundle nil autorelease self.window.rootViewController self.viewController self.window makeKeyAndVisible return YES And here is my connect method at the bottom of the appDelegate file void connect..

Watermark image on real time on camera view in iphone


@synthesize imageView viewController window void applicationDidFinishLaunching UIApplication application self.viewController UIViewController new autorelease viewController.view.backgroundColor UIColor blackColor An image view to save to and therefore..

iAd — cannot click banner


0 0 appFrame.size.width appFrame.size.height self.window UIWindow alloc initWithFrame windowRect autorelease self.viewController ___PROJECTNAME___ViewController alloc init autorelease self.window setRootViewController viewController triggers loadView..

Rotating an image 90 degrees on same position when orientation changes


UIDevice currentDevice beginGeneratingDeviceOrientationNotifications NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter addObserver self.viewController selector @selector deviceDidRotate name UIDeviceOrientationDidChangeNotification object nil I am not sure whether this is..

iCloud basics and code sample [closed]


NSMetadataItemURLKey MyTextDocument doc MyTextDocument alloc initWithFileURL url _document doc doc.delegate self.viewController self.viewController.document doc doc openWithCompletionHandler ^ BOOL success if success NSLog @ AppDelegate existing.. MyTextDocument doc MyTextDocument alloc initWithFileURL url _document doc doc.delegate self.viewController self.viewController.document doc doc openWithCompletionHandler ^ BOOL success if success NSLog @ AppDelegate existing document opened from.. @ text.txt MyTextDocument doc MyTextDocument alloc initWithFileURL ubiquitousPackage _document doc doc.delegate self.viewController self.viewController.document doc doc saveToURL doc fileURL forSaveOperation UIDocumentSaveForCreating completionHandler..

iCloud: can I ignore those who disable iCloud?


self.window UIWindow alloc initWithFrame UIScreen mainScreen bounds autorelease self.window.rootViewController self.viewController self.window makeKeyAndVisible 1 iCloud init NSURL ubiq NSFileManager defaultManager URLForUbiquityContainerIdentifier nil..

How do I install this script into PhoneGap for iOS


viewController RichTextEditorViewController alloc initWithNibName @ RichTextEditorViewController bundle nil self.viewController UINavigationController alloc initWithRootViewController viewController Also this void removeBar Locate non UIWindow. UIWindow..

iPad modal view controller acting in portrait even though it's landscape


UIWindow alloc initWithFrame UIScreen mainScreen bounds Override point for customization after application launch. self.viewController ViewController alloc initWithNibName @ ViewController bundle nil UINavigationController navController UINavigationController.. ViewController bundle nil UINavigationController navController UINavigationController alloc initWithRootViewController self.viewController self.window.rootViewController navController self.window makeKeyAndVisible LoginViewController lvc LoginViewController alloc.. UIWindow alloc initWithFrame UIScreen mainScreen bounds Override point for customization after application launch. self.viewController ViewController alloc initWithNibName @ ViewController bundle nil self.window.rootViewController self.viewController self.window..

Passing values from second view to firstView in Xcode


alloc initWithFrame UIScreen mainScreen bounds autorelease Override point for customization after application launch. self.viewController FirsView alloc initWithNibName @ FirstView bundle nil autorelease self.str1 @ view1 self.window.rootViewController self.viewController.. FirsView alloc initWithNibName @ FirstView bundle nil autorelease self.str1 @ view1 self.window.rootViewController self.viewController self.window makeKeyAndVisible return YES FirstView.h #import UIKit UIKit.h #import secondView.h @interface FirstView UIViewController..

Application windows are expected to have a root view controller at the end of application launch


NSDictionary launchOptions Override point for customization after application launch. self.window.rootViewController self.viewController self.window makeKeyAndVisible Add the logout button UIButton logoutButton UIButton buttonWithType UIButtonTypeRoundedRect.. logoutButton addTarget self action @selector logoutButtonClicked forControlEvents UIControlEventTouchUpInside self.viewController.view addSubview logoutButton facebook Facebook alloc initWithAppId @ id andDelegate self NSUserDefaults defaults NSUserDefaults..