

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:51

iphone Programming Glossary: self.view.transform

How can I customize an iOS alert view?


in I use a few animations to make it bounce like Apple's alert view. Something like this works void initialDelayEnded self.view.transform CGAffineTransformScale CGAffineTransformIdentity 0.001 0.001 self.view.alpha 1.0 UIView beginAnimations nil context nil.. 1.5 UIView setAnimationDelegate self UIView setAnimationDidStopSelector @selector bounce1AnimationStopped self.view.transform CGAffineTransformScale CGAffineTransformIdentity 1.1 1.1 UIView commitAnimations void bounce1AnimationStopped UIView beginAnimations.. 2 UIView setAnimationDelegate self UIView setAnimationDidStopSelector @selector bounce2AnimationStopped self.view.transform CGAffineTransformScale CGAffineTransformIdentity 0.9 0.9 UIView commitAnimations void bounce2AnimationStopped UIView beginAnimations..

iPhone Landscape-Only Utility-Template Application


it doesn't now. The one in CardScrollViewController is needed though. super viewDidLoad CGAffineTransform transform self.view.transform CGPoint center CGPointMake kScreenHeight 2.0 kScreenWidth 2.0 Set the center point of the view to the center point of the..

(Scale) Zoom into a UIView at a point


how to set the translation properly so that it will zoom in on this point. CGAffineTransform tr CGAffineTransformScale self.view.transform 2 2 UIView animateWithDuration 2.5 delay 0 options 0 animations ^ self.view.transform tr self.view.center CGPointMake 480.. tr CGAffineTransformScale self.view.transform 2 2 UIView animateWithDuration 2.5 delay 0 options 0 animations ^ self.view.transform tr self.view.center CGPointMake 480 0 completion ^ BOOL finished iphone ios core animation quartz graphics cgaffinetransform.. you're zooming in on somewhere to the lower left of the center. Try this CGAffineTransform tr CGAffineTransformScale self.view.transform 2 2 CGFloat h self.view.frame.size.height UIView animateWithDuration 2.5 delay 0 options 0 animations ^ self.view.transform..

Custom transition between two UIViews


image.size.height self.view.frame.size.height transform CGAffineTransformScale transform scaleWFactor scaleHFactor self.view.transform transform UIApplication easybookDelegate rootViewController .view addSubview self.view Perform the animation later since.. UIViewAnimationOptionCurveEaseOut animations ^ void imageView removeFromSuperview self.view.transform CGAffineTransformIdentity completion ^ BOOL finished self.view removeFromSuperview navController presentModalViewController..

iPhone + CGAffineTransFormRotate(pi/2) + statusBarHidden:YES + presentModalViewController = 20 pixels of white space


UIApplication sharedApplication statusBarOrientation UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight CGAffineTransform transform self.view.transform Set the center point of the view to the center point of the window's content area. self.view.center CGPointMake 160.0 240.0..