

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:51

iphone Programming Glossary: self.tabbarcontroller.selectedindex

how to create a tabbar programmatically and adding buttons on it


self release the array because the tab bar controller now has it localControllersArray release self.tabBarController.selectedIndex 0 add the tabBarController as a subview in the window window addSubview tabBarController.view need this last line to display..

Switching to a TabBar tab view programmatically?


how to use buttons from HomeView to select tabs from uitabcontroller


How can i make same button in multiple view controller? [duplicate]


setBackgroundImage UIImage imageNamed @ btn_topmenu_hover.png forState UIControlStateNormal sets the background Image self.tabBarController.selectedIndex 1 else if button.tag 2 NSLog @ hey have clicked first button this is my tag i n n button.tag button setBackgroundImage UIImage.. @ CustomerViewController bundle nil self.navigationController pushViewController secondViewController animated YES self.tabBarController.selectedIndex 2 else if button.tag 3 NSLog @ hey have clicked second button this is my tag i n n button.tag button setBackgroundImage.. sets the background Image self.navigationController pushViewController cstViewController animated YES self.tabBarController.selectedIndex 3 EDIT3 Any way i have to solve the problem so i have tried a lot of way but i missed a simple matter. when i want to change..