

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:51

iphone Programming Glossary: self.tabbarcontroller

iOS custom tabbar


selectedImage0 UIImage imageNamed @ first.png UIImage unselectedImage0 UIImage imageNamed @ second.png UITabBar tabBar self.tabBarController.tabBar UITabBarItem item0 tabBar.items objectAtIndex 0 item0 setFinishedSelectedImage selectedImage0 withFinishedUnselectedImage.. nil UIViewController viewController2 SecondViewController alloc initWithNibName @ SecondViewController bundle nil self.tabBarController UITabBarController alloc init self.tabBarController.viewControllers NSArray arrayWithObjects viewController1 viewController2.. alloc initWithNibName @ SecondViewController bundle nil self.tabBarController UITabBarController alloc init self.tabBarController.viewControllers NSArray arrayWithObjects viewController1 viewController2 nil self.window.rootViewController self.tabBarController..

iOS 5 custom tab bar image vertical alignment


removed my own tab bar background to highlight my problem Here is the code I'm using to set the images for each state self.tabBarController UITabBarController alloc init autorelease self.tabBarController.viewControllers NSArray arrayWithObjects homeNavController.. is the code I'm using to set the images for each state self.tabBarController UITabBarController alloc init autorelease self.tabBarController.viewControllers NSArray arrayWithObjects homeNavController whatsOnNavController mapNavController infoNavController nil self.tabBarController.delegate.. NSArray arrayWithObjects homeNavController whatsOnNavController mapNavController infoNavController nil self.tabBarController.delegate self For iOS 5 only custom tabs if self.tabBarController.tabBar respondsToSelector @selector selectedImageTintColor..

Tabbar in Second View


nil UIViewController viewController2 SecondViewController alloc initWithNibName @ SecondViewController bundle nil self.tabBarController.viewControllers @ viewController1 viewController2 appDelegate.window.rootViewController self.tabBarController appDelegate.window.. nil self.tabBarController.viewControllers @ viewController1 viewController2 appDelegate.window.rootViewController self.tabBarController appDelegate.window makeKeyAndVisible iphone objective c ios uitabbar share improve this question Hey make your tabBarController's..

iOS Hiding tab bar in iOS 6 creates black bar (fix for iOS 6 breaks iOS 7!)


UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft toInterfaceOrientation UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight self hideTabBar self.tabBarController UIApplication sharedApplication setStatusBarHidden TRUE withAnimation UIStatusBarAnimationSlide else self showTabBar self.tabBarController.. UIApplication sharedApplication setStatusBarHidden TRUE withAnimation UIStatusBarAnimationSlide else self showTabBar self.tabBarController UIApplication sharedApplication setStatusBarHidden FALSE withAnimation UIStatusBarAnimationSlide void hideTabBar UITabBarController.. UIApplication sharedApplication .statusBarOrientation fHeight screenRect.size.width for UIView view in self.tabBarController.view.subviews if view isKindOfClass UITabBar class view setFrame CGRectMake view.frame.origin.x fHeight view.frame.size.width..

Loading a Welcome Screen(Splash Screen) before TabBarController


didFinishLaunching SplashScreenController controller SplashScreenController alloc initWithNibNamed nil bundle nil self.tabBarController presentModalViewController controller animated YES controller release I'll usually put a dismiss button on the splash screen.. controller release I'll usually put a dismiss button on the splash screen but you could also do something like this self.tabBarController performSelector @selector dismissModalViewControllerAnimated withObject YES afterDelay 2.0 which will present the view controller..

UINavigationController navigation stack problems in landscape mode


alloc init UINavigationController nv8 UINavigationController alloc initWithRootViewController vc8 self.tabBarController setViewControllers NSArray arrayWithObjects nv1 nv2 nv3 nv4 nv5 nv6 nv7 nv8 nil To implement landscape capability the UITabBarController..

Showing login view controller before main tab bar controller


lvc LoginViewController_Pad alloc initWithNibName @ LoginViewController_Pad bundle nil lvc.delegate self self.tabBarController presentModalViewController lvc animated NO lvc release return YES void loginViewControllerDidFinish LoginViewController_Pad..

How to hide uitabbarcontroller


and show the tabbarcontroller.... just pass tabbarcontroller instance to these functions.. Method call self hideTabBar self.tabBarController Method implementations void hideTabBar UITabBarController tabbarcontroller UIView beginAnimations nil context NULL UIView..

Switching to a TabBar tab view programmatically?


Right design pattern for tabbed navigation views?


shown when a tab is pressed with a optional navigationbar at top. UITabBarController tvc UITabBarController alloc init self.tabBarController tvc tvc release Instantiates three view controllers which will be attached to the tabbar. Each view controller is attached.. NSArray controllers NSArray alloc initWithObjects nvc1 nvc2 nvc3 nil nvc1 release nvc2 release nvc3 release self.tabBarController.viewControllers controllers controllers release This is how I go from one viewcontroller to another one this is done by..

Change iPhone splash screen time


Applications are expected to have a root view controller at the end of application launch


NSDictionary launchOptions Set Background Color Pattern self.window.backgroundColor UIColor blackColor self.tabBarController.tabBar.backgroundColor UIColor clearColor self.window.backgroundColor UIColor colorWithPatternImage UIImage imageNamed @.. Add the tab bar controller's current view as a subview of the window self.window.rootViewController self.tabBarController self.window makeKeyAndVisible return YES IN IB the tabBarController's delegate is hooked up to the App Delegate. Any know..

Accessing parent view controller (custom) properties


method and tried to output to NSLog with both... NSLog @ @ self.parentViewController.venue.name and NSLog @ @ self.tabBarController.venue.name But XCode gives the error error request for member 'venue' in something not a structure or union I can access.. just fine so have ruled out an error there. The iPhone simulator does see both self.parentViewController and self.tabBarController as an instance of MainViewController. The line... NSLog @ @ self.tabBarController outputs... 2009 06 05 17 54 46.502 Venue.. both self.parentViewController and self.tabBarController as an instance of MainViewController. The line... NSLog @ @ self.tabBarController outputs... 2009 06 05 17 54 46.502 Venue 29729 20b MainViewController 0x536600 Since it's seen as a MainViewController instance..

Display XIB before UITabBarController?


viewController1 UINavigationController myNav2 UINavigationController alloc initWithRootViewController viewController2 self.tabBarController UITabBarController alloc init self.tabBarController.viewControllers NSArray arrayWithObjects myNav1 myNav2 nil set the login.. alloc initWithRootViewController viewController2 self.tabBarController UITabBarController alloc init self.tabBarController.viewControllers NSArray arrayWithObjects myNav1 myNav2 nil set the login view self.window.rootViewController viewController1.. self.window makeKeyAndVisible return YES void setTabBar self.viewController1 nil self.window.rootViewController self.tabBarController Then from the loginViewController call the method setTabBar of the appDelegate. LoginViewController.m #import AppDelegate.h..