

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:51

iphone Programming Glossary: self.tag

Checkbox image toggle in UITableViewCell


about state change. Notification example NSDictionary dict NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject NSNumber numberWithInt self.tag forKey @ CellCheckToggled NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter postNotificationName @ CellCheckToggled object self userInfo..

self.delegate = self; what's wrong in doing that?


UIKeyboardTypeDefault self.returnKeyType UIReturnKeyDone self.clearButtonMode UITextFieldViewModeWhileEditing self.tag textFieldTag self.delegate self sender addSubview self return self iphone uitextfield delegates self share improve this..

lazy loading images in UITableView iPhone SDK


parameters objectAtIndex 3 integerValue UIImage image Utils getImageResized url inSize CGSizeMake width height if self.tag index self.imageView.image image self setNeedsLayout pool release @end This basically adds a functionality to the UITableViewCell..

tabbar item image and selectedImage


of the UITabBarItem and a switch statement like this @implementation UItabBarItem Custom UIImage selectedImage switch self.tag case 1 return UIImage imageNamed @ tab selected1.png case 2 return UIImage imageNamed @ tab selected2.png etc... UIImage.. @ tab selected1.png case 2 return UIImage imageNamed @ tab selected2.png etc... UIImage unselectedImage switch self.tag case 1 return UIImage imageNamed @ tab unselected1.png case 2 return UIImage imageNamed @ tab unselected2.png etc... @end..

iPhone: Handle two(or multiple) responses for two requests in the same delegate


NSURLRequest request delegate id delegate tag int _tag if self super initWithRequest request delegate delegate self.tag _tag Now in the code you posted add this void connectionDidFinishLoading NSURLConnection connection NSData responseData..